
Beyond the well-trodden paths of Vietnam lies Sa Thay, a hidden gem nestled amidst the verdant embrace of Kon Tum province. This captivating district whispers tales of a rich past, where ancient echoes mingle with the vibrant tapestry of ethnic cultures.  Shrouded in cool mountain breezes and boasting breathtaking natural beauty, Sa Thay beckons the curious traveler with the promise of adventure, cultural immersion, and unforgettable experiences.

Sa Thay

Sa Thay

History of Sa Thay

Sa Thay's history unfolds as a captivating legend whispered through the ages. Archaeological whispers hint at human presence stretching back to the Stone Age. The Sa Thay people, an enigmatic ethnic group shrouded in mystery, once called this land home. Though now believed to be extinct, their legacy lives on in the whispers of time.

Fast forward to the 19th century, Sa Thay witnessed a new chapter. Seeking refuge from the turmoil in Cambodia, the Khmer Krom people arrived, weaving their traditions into the district's cultural tapestry. Today, Sa Thay stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of its inhabitants, a place where the echoes of the past harmonize with the vibrant present.

Attractions of Sa Thay

Places to visit in Sa Thay

  • Sa Thay Market:  Thrumming with vibrant energy, Sa Thay Market is a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and aromas.

Sa Thay Market

Sa Thay Market

  • Ethnic Minority Villages:  Venture deeper into Sa Thay and discover the captivating villages of various ethnic minorities, such as the Bahnar and the Ede. Witness their unique way of life, delve into their rich traditions, and learn about their intricate handicrafts, often passed down through generations.  
  • Chu Mom Ray National Park: Interactive exhibits showcase the region's diverse flora and fauna, while historical displays shed light on Sa Thay's fascinating past. 

 Sa Thay - Chu Mom Ray National Park

Chu Mom Ray National Park

  • Hidden Waterfalls: Sa Thay whispers secrets of hidden waterfalls, each offering a unique experience. Explore with a local guide and discover these secluded gems, perfect for a refreshing escape and a touch of adventure. 

Waterfall in  Sa Thay

Waterfall in Sa Thay

  • Secluded Trekking Trails: Breathe in the fresh mountain air as you navigate through lush landscapes, encountering diverse flora and fauna.  These trails offer a chance to escape the crowds and truly connect with nature's beauty.


Sa Thay is home to a variety of delicious food, including:

  • Lam Rice: This iconic dish features sticky rice cooked to perfection inside a bamboo tube. The bamboo imparts a unique smoky flavor, making it a true regional specialty.
  • Arem: A sweet and savory treat, Arem is made from glutinous rice, bananas, and coconut milk. Steamed in banana leaves, it offers a delightful combination of textures and flavors.
  • Grilled Chicken: Aromatic and flavorful, grilled chicken is a popular street food option in Sa Thay. Marinated in local spices and herbs, it's often served with dipping sauces and fresh herbs for an explosion of taste.
  • Jungle Vegetables: Sa Thay boasts a diverse range of wild vegetables. Explore local restaurants and try these unique ingredients, often stir-fried or cooked in soups.

 Sa Thay food

Lam Rice and Grilled chicken

Traveling cost of Sa Thay

The cost of traveling to Sa Thay can vary depending on your travel style and preferences, here's a general overview of what you can expect:


  • Budget: Homestays and guesthouses offer affordable accommodation options, ranging from $5 to $15 per night.
  • Mid-range: Comfortable hotels and resorts can cost between $20 and $50 per night.
  • Luxury: For a luxurious stay, expect to pay upwards of $100 per night.


  • Budget: Street food and local eateries offer delicious and affordable meals, with prices ranging from $1 to $5 per meal.
  • Mid-range: Restaurants with a more extensive menu can cost between $5 and $10 per meal.
  • Luxury: Fine dining experiences can set you back upwards of $20 per meal.


  • Public transportation: Buses and minivans are affordable ways to travel to Sa Thay, with tickets costing around $5 to $10 per trip.
  • Private transportation: Hiring a car or motorbike with a driver can be more expensive, but it offers greater flexibility and comfort. Expect to pay around $20 to $50 per day for this option.

 Traveling cost of Sa Thay

Traveling cost of Sa Thay

Best time to visit Sa Thay

Sa Thay boasts a pleasant climate year-round, but the ideal time to visit depends on your preferences:

  • Dry Season (November - April): This period offers clear skies, warm days, and cool nights, perfect for outdoor activities like trekking and exploring waterfalls. However, it can also be the busiest and most expensive time to visit.
  • Shoulder Seasons (May & October): These months offer a good balance between pleasant weather and fewer crowds. You might encounter occasional showers, but prices tend to be more affordable.
  • Green Season (June - September):  The rainy season brings lush greenery and fewer tourists. However, prepare for frequent downpours and possible road closures on dirt paths.

Best time to visit Sa Thay

Best time to visit Sa Thay

How to get to Sa Thay

Sa Thay doesn't have its own airport, so your journey will involve a combination of flights and land transportation. Here are the usual routes:

  • By Plane: The nearest airport is Pleiku Airport (PXU) in Gia Lai province. From there, you can:
    • Bus: Take a public bus or minivan to Kon Tum City, the provincial capital (approximately 2.5 hours). Then, catch another bus or hire a private car to Sa Thay (around 1 hour).
    • Private Car: Hire a car with a driver from Pleiku directly to Sa Thay (approximately 4 hours).
  • By Train: Kon Tum City has a train station, but connections from major cities might be limited. Check schedules in advance if considering this option.

Insider Tip: Consider flying into Da Nang International Airport (DAD) which offers more flight options. From Da Nang, take a long-distance bus to Kon Tum City, followed by another bus or car ride to Sa Thay.

Explore Sa Thay with Asia King Travel

Explore Sa Thay with Asia King Travel

Explore Sa Thay with Asia King Travel

Sa Thay is a place where the whispers of the past mingle with the vibrant tapestry of ethnic cultures. From the cascading beauty of hidden waterfalls to the immersive experiences in ethnic minority villages, Sa Thay offers a unique blend of adventure, cultural richness, and historical intrigue. 

Ready to explore Sa Thay? 

Contact us today to book your tour to Sa Thay