
Nestled amidst the idyllic landscapes of Vang Vieng, Laos, lies a hidden gem of natural beauty and cultural significance: Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave. This enchanting destination, located approximately 7 kilometers west of Vang Vieng town, beckons travelers with its serene blue waters, mystical caves, and spiritual sanctuaries. 

As visitors embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, they are greeted by a tapestry of sights, sounds, and sensations that awaken the senses and captivate the imagination.


Blue Lagoon, known locally as Tham Phu Kham Cave, derives its name from the pristine blue waters that adorn its main pool. This natural wonder holds deep cultural significance as a revered sanctuary adorned with numerous Buddha images, earning it a place of reverence and respect among local inhabitants. 

Tham Phu Kham CaveTham Phu Kham Cave

Tham Phu Kham Cave is considered a sacred site, steeped in myth and legend, where pilgrims come to pay homage and seek spiritual solace.

Cost of Entry

Before embarking on your journey to Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave, it's essential to be aware of the associated costs. The entrance fee for this enchanting site is 10,000 Kip per person, providing access to both the lagoon and the cave. Additionally, visitors have the option to rent a flashlight for an additional 10,000 Kip if they wish to explore deeper into the cave beyond the first chamber. 

Guided tour services are also available for those seeking expert insight and assistance, with prices starting at 50,000 Kip. However, it's advisable to double-check the entrance fee and tour prices before your visit to ensure you have the necessary funds.

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Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave offer a plethora of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. The crystal-clear waters of Blue Lagoon beckon swimmers and sunbathers alike, providing a refreshing oasis amidst the verdant landscape. With its inviting blue hues and tranquil ambiance, the lagoon offers the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. Nearby, Tham Phu Kham Cave invites adventurers to embark on a journey into the heart of the earth, where ancient rock formations and hidden chambers await discovery.

Vang Vieng Blue LagoonVang Vieng Blue Lagoon

As visitors traverse the labyrinthine passages of the cave, they are transported to a realm of wonder and awe, where nature's beauty unfolds in all its splendor.

How to Get There

Located approximately 7 kilometers west of Vang Vieng town, Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave are easily accessible by various means of transportation. Visitors can hire a tuk-tuk or songthaew from Vang Vieng to reach the site, enjoying a scenic journey through rural landscapes and picturesque villages along the way. As the vehicle winds its way through winding roads and lush forests, anticipation builds, heralding the arrival at this natural wonderland. 

Alternatively, adventurous travelers may opt to embark on a self-guided trek to Blue Lagoon, immersing themselves in the beauty of the surrounding countryside as they make their way to their destination.

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Things to Do Here

Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave offer a range of activities for visitors to enjoy, making it a must-visit destination in Vang Vieng. Here are some of the exciting things you can do at this enchanting site:

Swimming and Cliff Jumping: The crystal-clear waters of Blue Lagoon provide the perfect opportunity for swimming and cooling off, especially on a hot day. Visitors can take a refreshing dip in the serene waters or indulge in a thrilling cliff-jumping adventure. With vines hanging down from nearby trees, daredevils can swing and leap into the inviting lagoon below, adding an element of excitement to their visit.

The Blue LagoonThe Blue Lagoon

Exploring Tham Phu Kham Cave: Embark on a journey of discovery as you venture into the depths of Tham Phu Kham Cave. A mountainous trail through the lush forest leads to the entrance of the cave, nestled halfway up the limestone cliffs. Inside, you'll find a labyrinth of chambers, passages, and fissures adorned with stunning stalagmites and stalactites, creating a surreal underground landscape.

As you navigate through the cave's intricate network, marvel at the natural formations and ancient rock formations that have been shaped over thousands of years.

Tham Phu Kham Cave Tham Phu Kham Cave 

Visiting the Reclining Buddha: Upon entering Tham Phu Kham Cave, visitors will encounter the grandeur of the Reclining Buddha statue, a majestic sight illuminated by natural sunlight streaming through a hole in the cave's ceiling. This sacred statue, crafted from bronze, lies peacefully within the spacious chamber, serving as a symbol of tranquility and spiritual reverence. Take a moment to admire the intricate details of the Buddha's form and reflect on the profound sense of peace that permeates the cave.

Picnicking by the Lagoon: After a day of exploration, unwind and relax by the tranquil shores of Blue Lagoon with a leisurely picnic. Spread out a blanket on the grassy banks or find a shady spot beneath the trees to enjoy a delicious meal amidst the natural splendor. Whether you're savoring traditional Laotian dishes or indulging in a simple snack, the serene ambiance of the lagoon provides the perfect backdrop for a memorable dining experience.

Capturing Unforgettable Moments: Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave offer endless opportunities for photography enthusiasts to capture the beauty and essence of this enchanting destination. From stunning panoramic views of the lagoon to close-up shots of intricate rock formations, every corner of this natural wonder provides a captivating subject for your camera lens. Don't forget to snap a selfie or two against the backdrop of the azure waters and verdant landscape to immortalize your visit to this picturesque paradise.

Local Products and Cuisine

After a day of exploration and adventure, visitors can indulge in the flavors of Laotian cuisine at the onsite restaurant, which serves a variety of traditional dishes and refreshments. 

From savory soups and aromatic curries to fresh salads and tropical fruits, there's something to satisfy every palate. Situated amidst the tranquil surroundings of Blue Lagoon, the restaurant offers a delightful dining experience, allowing guests to savor the flavors of the region while taking in the scenic beauty of their surroundings.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave is during the dry season, which typically spans from November to April. During this time, the weather is mild and pleasant, making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploration. With clear skies and balmy temperatures, visitors can fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the site, from swimming in the lagoon to hiking through the caves. 

Inside Tham Phu Kham CaveInside Tham Phu Kham Cave

However, it's essential to keep in mind that this period is also the peak tourist season, so be prepared for larger crowds and higher prices.

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Tips for Travelers

Before embarking on your adventure to Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave, here are a few tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience:

Wear sturdy footwear: The terrain around Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave can be uneven and rocky, so it's essential to wear comfortable and supportive footwear, such as hiking boots or sturdy sandals.

Stay hydrated: Be sure to bring an ample supply of water to keep yourself hydrated, especially if you plan on exploring the caves or engaging in physical activities.

Respect the environment: Help preserve the natural beauty of Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave by disposing of trash properly and avoiding damage to plant life and wildlife.

Be mindful of cultural sensitivities: Remember that Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave hold significant cultural and spiritual importance for local inhabitants, so be respectful of their beliefs and customs during your visit.

Explore with Asia King Travel

For those seeking a guided tour of Blue Lagoon and Tham Phu Kham Cave, Asia King Travel offers a range of options to suit every preference and budget. Whether you're interested in a leisurely stroll through the caves or an adrenaline-pumping adventure, their experienced guides can help you make the most of your visit. Contact Asia King Travel for more information and to book your unforgettable excursion to this breathtaking destination.

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Place Nearby Blue Lagoon Tham Phu Kham