RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi
RV Mahaythi

RV Mahaythi

RV Mahaythi is the first ever tourist class boat introduced Yangon river sightseeing cruises since 2006 October. It started with day cruise tours to Twante and Yangon River sunset cruises on daily guarantee departure basic. Up on completion of our second vessel RV Mahaythi-02, we have extended our operation by running overnight cruises to Ayeyarwaddy Delta Area on charter basic as well as regular departure basic. Unfortunately, our frist boat was destroyed in May 2008 by Tropical Cyclone Nargis. Then, we have replaced her with two smaller boats named RV Mahaythi-01 and RV Mahaythi-03.
Myanmar → Myanmar
RV Mahaythi
Myanmar - Myanmar
RV Mahaythi

RV Mahaythi

  • Company : RV Mahaythi
  • Class : Midrange
  • Capacity : 0 cabin
  • Type : Private
  • Destination : Myanmar - Myanmar
RV Mahaythi is the first ever tourist class boat introduced Yangon river sightseeing cruises since 2006 October. It started with day cruise tours to Twante and Yangon River sunset cruises on daily guarantee departure basic. Up on completion of our second vessel RV Mahaythi-02, we have extended our operation by running overnight cruises to Ayeyarwad...
  • Company : RV Mahaythi
  • Class : Midrange
  • Capacity : 0 cabin
  • Type : Private
  • Destination : Myanmar - Myanmar
RV Mahaythi is the first ever tourist class boat introduced Yangon river sightseeing cruises since 2006 October. It started with day cruise tours to Twante and Yangon River sunset cruises on daily guarantee departure basic. Up on completion of our second vessel RV Mahaythi-02, we have extended our operation by running overnight cruises to Ayeyarwad...


Mahaythi is licensed by the Department of Marine Administrationand Ministry of Hotels & Tourism as a passenger-carrying vessel and also licensed as a floating restaurant. Her elegance and comfort make 'Mahaythi' equally suitable for business entertainment, holidays or for that special occasion such as a honeymoon cruise.Based on an antique rice and sand carrying barge, 'Mahaythi' is almost totally constructed from Thingan wood and furbished with Golden Teaks; she has many unique concepts which make her stand out from the other barges on the river. After an extensive re-furbishing program, the barge 'Mahaythi' is the latest, first ever, and undoubtedly, most tourist class vessel to enter the Yangon river trade. Catering to travellers and business persons alike, 'Mahaythi' plies the Yangon River and Twante Canal and its tributaries, providing an unforgetable trip and facilities in a luxurious yet traditional style. Her air-conditioned upper deck includes an air-conditioned lounge and dining area that is inspired by turn of the century colonial architecture. It can accommodte up to 20 clients for dinning. Below deck could also accommodate 4 to 10 passengers in the relaxation style. Our fleet currently consists of three boats which can accommodate different numbers of clients comfortably


In order to accomplish our commitment to continuous improvement of our facilities and services, RV Mahaythi-02 was constructed and in service since October 2007. She was almost totally constructed with Golden teak and added many unique concepts that were missed in the first boat which makes her stand out from the other boats on the river.



She is another replacement boats for former RV Mahaythi which was destroyed by Cyclone Nargis. She used to be a shallow water pulling boat for bamboos and logs in upper Myanmar. We refurblished it in December 2008 and now it is serving her clients.



RV-04 is now underway for her renovation project. She would be ready to serve our client before end of October 2013. Up on her finish of renovation works, she would be able to serve 65 passengers for day cruises. She will become a part of our fleet for Mandalay-Bagan-Mandalay ferry route.



We are introducing another unique vessel to the market soon for Upper Myanmar Exploration tours. She was once a traditional cargo Barge used in shallow water area like Monwya, Bhamaw, Mandalay, Bagan and Chindwin River. She is also under her renovation works and targeted to finish and service in coming November 2013


Onboard facilities

  • Lotus Bar

  • Dining Lounge for 22 passengers

  • Kitchen with private chef for overnight trips

  • Foot Reflexology

  • Chess Board & Playing Cards

  • Karaoke Room



  • 36 passengers for day trips and dinner cruises

  • 6 passengers for overnight trips



  • 2 Double Room with bath room attached on lower deck

  • 1 Twin Rooms with bath room attached on lower deck                               



Check rate

Cruise details & deck


Length 108 feet
Breadth 25 feet
Draft 6 feet
Engine 2 x 160 HP
Electricity 1 x 7 KVA Dynamo (220 Volts), 1 x 20 KVA Dynamo (220 Volts) 
Capacity 70-90 passengers for day trips and dinner cruises, 16 passengers for overnight trips
Cruising Speed 6-9 knots per hour 
Communication CDMA Telephone
Fuel 1800 Liters
Water 9000 Liters
Safety Emergency Lights, Emergency Gen-set, Life Jackets, Rigid Floating Device,Rescues Speed Boat
Crew 9
Passengers 30
Promenade Deck  1440 sq/ft ( 439 sq/m )with Separate Rest Room, Safe Locker & Shower
Bar On the Promenade Deck, Selection of Cocktails, Wines and Health Drinks
Souvenir Shop On the Promenade Deck, Quality Lacquer Ware,Traditional Chin Fabrics, Natural Fine Silk, Cottons and Dyed
Dining Room  Inn Ywa Restaurant on the Main Deck. 30 Passengers can seat at the same time for comfortable with our Excellent Chef Ko Kyaw Yee, who worked in 5 stars Hotel for 12 years experience. Available order Myanmar Cuisine, Asian Dishes and Western Food. 
Water Sedimentation and full water treatment, RO System for the Kitchen 
Sewage Treatment Plant




Yangon-Pathein 3 Days

Yangon-Pathein 3 Days

Destination : Yangon,Twante, Ma U Bin, Shwe Laung, Sa Be Yoe, Wakema, Myanung Mya, Pathein

Learn More

Pathei-Yangon 2 Days

Pathei-Yangon 2 Days

Destination : Pathei, Myaung Mya, Wakema, Shwe Laung, Ma U Bin, Twante, Yangon

Learn More

Bagan - Mandalay 2 Days

Bagan - Mandalay 2 Days


Destination : Bagan, Mandalayt

Learn More


Reservation and confirmation Policy

  • All pre-booking and reservation has to be made through our Office only by fax or E-mail. Confirmed name list must be sent by fax or E-mail at least 12 days prior to the ship departure date. 


Ticket Issue and Payment Policy

  • Thickets for all the confirmed booking must be issued not later than 07 days prior to the departure date at our Yangon office.

  • Full payment must be settled in full by cash before issuing tickets.


Cancellation and Refund Policy for Mandalay-Bagan Day Cruise

  • Booking without naming list for 12 days prior to the departure date shall be treated as cancelled booking.

  • Booking failed to issue tickets 07 days prior to the departure date shall be treated as cancelled booking.

  • Issued Tickets are non-refundable and date change is allowed with USd 5 per ticket minimum of 03 days prior to the departure date.


Cancellation and Refund Policy for Bagan-Mandalay Overnight Cruise

- Cancellation prior to 45 days

No charges

- Cancellation within 45 days to 30 days

50% of total fare

- Cancellation within 30 days to 7 days

75% of total fare

- Cancellation within 07 days

100% of total fare


Passengers' List

  • The passengers' lists containing information of the name of clients, their passport number and nationalities must be provided for normal sightseeing trip before embarkation.

  • The full passengers' list containing information of name of clients, passport number, date of birth, nationalities must be provided 48 hours ahead of departure date for overnight trips.



  • The above contract is valid from 01st May 2014 to 30th April 2015.