Vietnam Cruise 5 Days: Upstream Mekong River to Phnom Penh

Created by Tu Nam Nguyen at 2024-08-28 17:23:45 , Updated by Tu Nam Nguyen at 2024-08-29 10:15:51
Vietnamese cruises on the Mekong River will take you to explore each region, each culture along the river. Check out the itineraries through two countries now

Explore the waterway life on a cruise

In the lower reaches of the Mekong River, Vietnamese people have found a way to move quickly across the low-lying plain. They have dug canals to facilitate transportation and trade. Gradually, villages appeared beside these waterways. Now, the Mekong Delta boasts a network of canals running in all directions. They are the lifelines of the South.

The canals are the main trade and transportation routes in the South. Photo: Thanh Nien

The canals are the main trade and transportation routes in the South. Photo: Thanh Nien

So what could be better than exploring this place on a Mekong cruise? Each place you visit, you can learn more about the long-standing culture of the river region. Also, the cruise will go upstream to the capital of Cambodia. The local beauty will leave you with lasting memories. Asia King Travel would like to suggest an itinerary for a Vietnam cruise 5 days in this article.

5 Days Vietnam Cruise from Sai Gon to Phnom Penh 

Day 1: Saigon

Let's meet up with our fellow passengers at Nha Rong Wharf (Saigon Port). You might wonder why there's a museum at a port. This is where President Ho Chi Minh boarded a ship to France in 1911, began his 30-year journey around the world to find freedom for his country. Arrive a little early and take some time to visit the museum while you wait for the ship.

The bright orange of the Ho Chi Minh Museum stands out at Nha Rong Wharf. Photo: Lao Dong

The bright orange of the Ho Chi Minh Museum stands out at Nha Rong Wharf. Photo: Lao Dong

Our cruise is ready, you will board with warm greetings from the crew. Choose your welcome drink and attend a short briefing. You can sunbathe and take photos of the bustling Ho Chi Minh City from the river for the rest of the day. The cruise will travel 70 kilometers south to My Tho (Tien Giang Province).

Day 2: My Tho - Cai Be - Vinh Long

After navigating Cho Gao Canal connecting Ho Chi Minh City to the Southwest, the cruise will anchor at My Tho. You will disembark to visit Thoi Son Island in the middle of the Tien River. Fruit trees laden in the orchard await your enjoyment. In addition, handicraft villages to try your hand at. And of course, you must take advantage of the first taste of the Mekong Delta cuisine.

The fertile Thoi Son Island nourishes an abundance of sweet fruits. Photo: MIA

The fertile Thoi Son Island nourishes an abundance of sweet fruits. Photo: MIA

Back on land, let's visit the wonder of Tien Giang Province, Vinh Trang Pagoda. The pagoda covers an area of 20,000 square meters with a unique architecture that blends many architectural styles. Buddha statues, Gothic roofs, Roman pillars,... but they combine extremely harmoniously. You will be surprised but also praise the architect.

The one-of-a-kind architecture of Vinh Trang Pagoda. Photo: Tour Bon Phuong

The one-of-a-kind architecture of Vinh Trang Pagoda. Photo: Tour Bon Phuong

Continuing our journey to Cai Be, we will travel by small boats to visit Cai Be Floating Market or tour the villages producing rice products. The final destination of the day is Vinh Long Province. An Binh Island, formed from fertile alluvial deposits, offers you the gifts of the Mekong Delta. You can see the stilt houses and boat houses that reflect people's way of life, living with the rising and falling tides.

Day 3: Sa Dec - Chau Doc

Start your journey upstream to the North, starting from Sa Dec. The tourist city of Dong Thap Province has countless attractions. Let's visit Huynh Thuy Le Ancient House with your loved one. It was the setting for the love story between the homeowner and Marguerite Duras, later written in her novel “The Lover”. Love is a powerful emotion, so why not surprise your companion with a Sa Dec Flower Village bouquet?

Their romantic love was forbidden by Huynh Thuy Le's father. Photo: Tran Nam

Their romantic love was forbidden by Huynh Thuy Le's father. Photo: Tran Nam

If you want to delve deeper into the city’s history, pay a visit to Kien An Cung Pagoda. This pagoda bears the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese community who settled here. The craftsmen meticulously created patterns that still retain their features today. Before returning to the cruise, remember to visit the market and haul some local specialties.

The cruise arrives in Chau Doc in the afternoon but still enough time to admire the colorful fishing rafts under the sunset. Enjoy dinner with the sounds of don ca tai tu and cai luong - two typical musical genres of the Mekong Delta. The melodious lyrics are like a beautiful greeting from this land before you depart for Cambodia.

Don ca tai tu performance aboard a cruise ship. Photo: VnExpress

Don ca tai tu performance aboard a cruise ship. Photo: VnExpress

Day 4: Vinh Xuong - Phnom Penh

From Vinh Xuong, you can see our neighboring country, Cambodia. Right in Tan Chau Town, many Khmer and Cham communities are living. While the cruise goes through customs, why not chat with new friends and share your experiences from your recent Vietnam cruise? Bring out the local specialties you bought and invite them to have a try at lunch.

A mosque in Tan Chau demonstrates the cultural diversity of the area. Photo: Sai Gon Tiep Thi

A mosque in Tan Chau demonstrates the cultural diversity of the area. Photo: Sai Gon Tiep Thi

The river journey from the border to Phnom Penh is not too long, even shorter than the distance from Sa Dec to Vinh Xuong! But you will see a different image of the Mekong River. 

The river seems to flow slower compared to the downstream. And there are fewer boats, houses, and less bustle compared to Southern Vietnam. A peaceful, quiet scene for you to let your soul drift along with the river.

Phnom Penh sunset viewed from the Mekong River. Photo: Pelago

Phnom Penh sunset viewed from the Mekong River. Photo: Pelago

At the end of the day, the boat docks in Phnom Penh just in time to enjoy the nightlife. Sisowath Quay becomes more lively and bustling than ever with night markets full of goods. Restaurants serve all kinds of food from Khmer to Vietnamese, from Asian to European. Enjoy the cool river breeze as you explore the bustling atmosphere of this historic waterfront.

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Day 5: Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is a fascinating city of opposites. You can find ancient and majestic pagodas juxtaposed against trendy cafes, or bustling traditional markets beside modern shopping malls. You should definitely spend a whole day experiencing all of these interesting things.

Most prominent of all is the magnificent royal palace. The royal residence is deeply imbued with the Khmer cultural identity in every detail. In addition, the palace complex has many special areas and works. Silver Pagoda shows the noble of royalty. While the upper garden full of the colors of precious flowers, is the first place you should visit.

The royal palace has a magnificent yet humble and intimate architecture. Photo: Traveloka

The royal palace has a magnificent yet humble and intimate architecture. Photo: Traveloka

To make your day in Phnom Penh, visit Wat Phnom is a must. Perched on a small hill, this pagoda is actually where the capital city got its name. It's not just a peaceful place to learn about history but also a great spot to get your bearings in the city.

In the afternoon, make your way to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, a more somber but essential stop. The museum is heavy, but it’s a vital part of understanding the country's past and appreciating how far it has come.

Cambodian people cannot forget the painful memories under the Khmer Rouge regime. Photo: Viet Viet Tourism

Cambodian people cannot forget the painful memories under the Khmer Rouge regime. Photo: Viet Viet Tourism

You have back to the boat when the dark covering, but the show doesn’t end there. The beautiful dancers perform the Apsara dance slowly and delicately, like nymphs strolling in a garden. The dance show is the warmest farewell of the Mekong River region for visitors from afar.


In just a 5-day cruise, you'll have captured the beauty of the Mekong River in many different ways. The riverine people, although their lives are still difficult, always give you sincere smiles. You will never forget the wonderful experiences here. Contact Asia King Travel today to start your journey!

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