
Y Ty is a commune located in Bat Xat district in Lao Cai, Vietnam. This place is renowned for its enchanting and fascinating natural scenery, located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, creating an overall pristine, majestic, and unique atmosphere.

Sunrise in Y Ty

Sunrise in Y Ty

Some information about Y Ty

Y Ty covers a natural land area of approximately 8654 hectares and shares a 11.94 km border with China. The commune is home to nearly 800 households residing in 16 hamlets, with four ethnic groups (Mong, Ha Nhi, Dao, Kinh) living together as brothers and sisters. The poverty rate remains high at 77.5%. Located at an altitude of over 2000 meters above sea level, Y Ty experiences a cool climate throughout the year and, notably, much harsher winters compared to other communes in Bat Xat. During winter, temperatures here can drop below 0ºC, making it a popular destination for young people interested in snow hunting.

In recent years, the local government and residents of Y Ty commune have expanded the cultivation of medicinal plants to leverage the region's strengths. Compared to traditional crops like corn and rice, medicinal plants have proven to be more economically lucrative.

Things to do and see in Y Ty

Border marker between Vietnam and China.

Throughout the roads when tourists travel to Y Ty, you will come across numerous border milestone pillars between Vietnam and China. Visitors can check-in and enjoy the scenic views at these border markers.

Milestone 92(1)

Milestone 92(1), behind is the junction where the Red River begins to flow into Vietnam

A Lu

A Lu  is enchanting due to its terraced rice fields and towering mist-covered mountains. Visitors here not only witness the incredibly picturesque natural scenery but also observe the daily lives of the local people as they work in the fields.

The beautiful curves of A Lu Pass

The beautiful curves of A Lu Pass

Ngai Thau

Ngai Thau is shrouded in mist year-round, creating an incredibly mystical and captivating atmosphere that attracts many tourists to explore. In the early mornings at Ngải Thầu, it can be said to be the ideal time for travelers to fully appreciate the beauty of the enveloping fog over the village, as the first rays of sunlight begin to shine and the local people embark on a new day.

Sea of clouds in Ngai Thau

Sea of clouds in Ngai Thau

Y Ty Market

The Y Ty Market takes place every Saturday. Here, tourists have the opportunity to purchase a variety of unique specialties from the highland region, such as cat apples, local chickens, and various handcrafted items like chairs and baskets made by the ethnic communities. Not only does the market offer agricultural products, but it also showcases many exquisite handicrafts with distinctive patterns and designs that are truly beautiful.

Y Ty market

Y Ty market is a place to exchange goods and trade among people in the commune

Lao Than

Lao Than always captivates tourists with its pristine and rustic beauty. It's an ideal spot for cloud chasing on a journey to Y Ty. This place has a moderate altitude and relatively simple terrain. Along the way, travelers will encounter numerous clusters of dried and bare trees. These are uniquely exotic and wild places for photography and exploration.

Cloud hunting in Lao Than

Cloud hunting in Lao Than

In conclusion, from majestic mountains to charming villages, Y Ty is a destination that will leave you with unforgettable memories of natural beauty. Book a tour at Asia King Travel now to explore this beautiful place!