
Vung Ro Bay is a small bay located right next to the Ca Pass mountain range and is the natural boundary on the sea between Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa. It is surrounded by Ca Pass in the west, Da Bia Mountain in the north, Mui Dien Cape in the east and Hon Nua Island in the south.

Vung Ro Bay seen from above

Vung Ro Bay seen from above

Nature blessed Vung Ro Bay with white-sand beaches, clear blue waters, and especially breathtaking coral reefs. Besides, the bay was the historical site of Vietnam War. These make it a tourist attraction in Phu Yen Province. Let’s see what Vung Ro Bay is hiding for us right below this article with Asia King Travel.

Location of Vung Ro Bay

Vung Ro Bay is located in the coastal area of Dong Hoa District, Phu Yen Province, Vietnam. The distance from Vung Ro Bay to Tuy Hoa City is approximately 50 kilometers. The journey usually takes around 1 hour by car or motorbike.

On the way to Vung Ro, you will appreciate the magnificent Ca Pass

On the way to Vung Ro, you will appreciate the magnificent Ca Pass

Best time to vist Vung Ro Bay

The best time to visit Vung Ro Bay is during the dry season, typically runs from March to September. During these months, you can expect sunny skies and calm seas, making it ideal for beach activities. The dry season also makes the water to be clearest for diving, allowing you to appreciate the vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life.

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Vung Ro Bay Incident

Vung Ro Bay incident occurred on February 16, 1965. A 100-ton North Vietnamese trawler was discovered unloading supplies and munitions in Vung Ro Bay of South Vietnam. The incident sparked increased US Navy involvement in the Vietnam War.

Rare photo of an unnumbered ship

Rare photo of an unnumbered ship

A U.S. helicopter pilot spotted a North Vietnamese trawler unloading cargo on a remote beach in Vung Ro Bay. This discovery led to airstrikes that capsized the trawler. This action prompted the U.S. to intensify its efforts to prevent North Vietnamese supply lines. But it can not fully stop the supply line Vietnam called today “Ho Chi Minh Trail at sea”.

What to do in Vung Ro Bay

Beach Relaxation

Coming to Vung Ro beach, you can frolic on the smooth white sand and drift with the fluffy white clouds floating in the clear blue sky. The water around the bay is relatively shallow, so visitors can swim safely without worrying about big waves. Besides admiring the natural scenery, tourists can also experience exciting water sports such as surfing and kayaking.

Clear sea water in Vung Ro Bay

Clear sea water in Vung Ro Bay


Vung Ro Bay has several dive sites suitable for beginners and experienced divers. There are over 20 different types of coral here, with splendid colors and distinct shapes. The coral reefs are in not too deep water, you only need to snorkel to see the entire beautiful natural scenery beneath the blue sea.

A whole marine ecosystem under the Vung Ro sea. Source: Savaco Tourist

A whole marine ecosystem under the Vung Ro sea. Source: Savaco Tourist

Visiting Unnumbered Ship Monument

In Vietnam War, North Vietnamese ships carrying out special missions at sea were often disguised as offshore fishing vessels, so these ships had to erase all labels. With this camouflage, these ships were able to deceive the enemy or make it difficult for the enemy to find traces when discovered. Therefore, the ships operating on the Ho Chi Minh trail at sea were called "Unnumbered Ships."

Monument to Unnumbered Ships

Monument to Unnumbered Ships

Vung Ro Unnumbered Ship Monument is a place to record the meaningful battles, sacrifices, and losses of many people. It also commemorates the resilient ships that crossed the sea day and night to support the Southern battlefield. Besides the symbolic unnumbered ship, there is an exhibition house with images and documents related to the relic, the wreck of the destroyed ship for visitors to explore.

How to get there

From major cities, Vung Ro Bay is about 490 kilometers north of Ho Chi Minh City and 450 kilometers south of Da Nang. Then, the fastest way to reach Vung Ro Bay is by plane. Flights from Da Nang or Ho Chi Minh City take about 1 hour to land at Tuy Hoa Airport.

Vung Ro Bay's nearby attractions

Ca Pass

Ca Pass is considered one of the largest passes in Vietnam. The pass is also one of the few coastal passes that combine majestic and romantic beauty. This is a favorite route of many backpackers and a popular tourist destination.

Dien Cape

Dien Cape is the easternmost point of mainland Vietnam. With its important geographical location, the French built a lighthouse at this cape in 1890 to guide ships navigating the waters. Not only is Mui Dien the earliest point to pick the sunrise in Vietnam, but Mui Dien is also a place with charming green and blue water scenery for you to explore.

Mui Dien resembles a miniature VietnamMui Dien resembles a "miniature Vietnam"

Da Bia Moutain

Da Bia Mountain is a mountain of the Truong Son Range jutting out into the East Sea. The unique feature is that on the top there is a large rock 76 meters high. In 1471, King Le Thanh Tong marched to Da Bia Mountain and left words carved on the rock to mark the border between Dai Viet and Champa.


Although it's just a small bay, Vung Ro Bay is gorgeous in every inch. So, if you're looking for an off-the-beaten-path destination that combines natural beauty with cultural richness, Vung Ro Bay should be top of your list. Contact us to create lasting memories in the earth and sea of Phu Yen.

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