
Son Tra Peninsula, also known as Monkey Mountain, is a breathtakingly beautiful and ecologically significant landmass situated on the eastern edge of Da Nang City in Vietnam. This prominent geographical feature extends into the South China Sea, creating a stunning coastal landscape. Renowned for its lush greenery, diverse ecosystems, and panoramic views, the Son Tra Peninsula is a popular destination for both nature enthusiasts and tourists seeking a serene escape.

One of the most distinctive features of Son Tra Peninsula is its rich biodiversity, harboring a variety of plant and animal species, some of which are rare and endangered. Visitors can explore dense forests, discover rare wildlife, and enjoy the tranquil environment that makes Son Tra a haven for biodiversity. The peninsula is also steeped in cultural and historical significance. 

In addition to its natural and cultural attractions, Son Tra Peninsula boasts pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, making it a perfect destination for those seeking a blend of relaxation and adventure. 

Son Tra Peninsula is a harmonious blend of ecological diversity, cultural richness, and scenic beauty, making it a must-visit destination for those looking to experience the wonders of Vietnam's coastal landscapes.


The Son Tra Peninsula, situated on the eastern edge of Da Nang City in Vietnam, boasts a rich history that spans millennia. Evidence of ancient civilizations and the influence of the Champa Kingdom characterize the region's early periods. During the colonial era, the French left their mark on the peninsula, as did the military activities during the Vietnam War when the area played a strategic role along the coast and served as part of the demilitarized zone. Post-war, the Son Tra Peninsula underwent a period of reconstruction, and in recent decades, there has been a heightened focus on conservation, leading to the establishment of the Son Tra Nature Reserve to protect its unique biodiversity. Today, the peninsula has emerged as a popular tourist destination, drawing visitors with its stunning landscapes, cultural sites, and a harmonious blend of history and natural beauty.

Top attractions in Son Tra Peninsula

Ban Co Peak

Ban Co Peak, also known as Chessboard Peak, is one of the notable attractions on the Son Tra Peninsula

Ban Co Peak is also known as a popular spot for watching the sunrise

Perched at an elevation of 700 meters from the base of the peninsula, Ban Co Peak stands as an ideal vantage point for visitors eager to behold the sweeping panorama of Da Nang city, the expansive sea, and the boundless sky. This mountain peak is steeped in legend, its narrative intertwined with the tale of two ancestors engaged in a spirited game of chess. In the midst of their strategic contest, a celestial being descended for a bath, diverting the attention of one of the contenders and ultimately leading to their defeat. The beach where this enchanting event unfolded is now known as Tien Sa beach, a place that echoes with the mystical echoes of the ancient chess match and the whims of celestial beings.

Thousand - year banyan tree

The Thousand-Year Banyan Tree is a significant natural landmark located on the Son Tra Peninsula

Banyan trees hold cultural and symbolic significance in many Asian cultures

The Son Tra Peninsula has earned its reputation as the "priceless green area" of Da Nang due to its remarkable abundance of flora. Among its botanical treasures, a particularly renowned feature is the thousand-year-old banyan tree. With a trunk circumference measuring approximately 10 meters, adorned with 26 secondary roots, and crowned by an expansive canopy of leaves, this ancient banyan tree is a true marvel of nature. Its presence adds to the allure of Son Tra, showcasing the enduring beauty and biodiversity that has flourished in this coastal haven for centuries.

Linh Ung Pagoda 

Linh Ung Pagoda is a prominent Buddhist temple located on the Son Tra Peninsula

The statue of the Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin - one of the tallest statues in Vietnam

The Linh Ung Pagoda is a beautiful Buddhist temple located on the peninsula. It is renowned for its stunning architecture and is home to a massive statue of the Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin. The panoramic views from this location are breathtaking.

Son Tra Nature Reserve

Son Tra Nature Reserve is home to a wide range of plant and animal species, some of which are rare and endangered

Brown-shanked douc langur

The Son Tra Nature Reserve is dedicated to preserving the rich biodiversity of the region. It's a haven for nature lovers, offering opportunities for hiking and wildlife observation. The reserve is home to various rare and endangered species.

Tien Sa Beach

Tien Sa Beach is a picturesque coastal area located on the Son Tra Peninsula

The beach with the pristine sandy shores, crystal-clear waters

Tien Sa Beach is a serene and picturesque coastal area on the Son Tra Peninsula. Its sandy shores and clear waters provide a relaxing escape, and the beach is named after the legend of a fairy taking a bath in the vicinity.

Nghe Cape

Nghe Cape is situated in the southeastern part of the Son Tra Peninsula, providing panoramic views of the East Sea

Nghe Cape - A serene and picturesque spot

Situated in the southeastern part of the tourist zone on the Son Tra Peninsula, Nghe Cape or Nghe Island stands as the initial destination to witness the sunrise in Da Nang city. At this location, tourists have the opportunity to engage in coral diving, allowing them to marvel at over 42 unique coral species, or partake in fishing activities alongside the local fishermen.

What to do and eat in Son Tra Peninsula?

Exploring the rich flora and fauna in Son Tra peninsula

Son Tra enjoys a consistently fresh and cool climate throughout the year, a result of its enduring primeval forests. This habitat hosts an exceptionally diverse range of flora and fauna. A journey into the lush landscapes allows visitors the chance to marvel at the rich biodiversity, including rare animals listed in the Red Book such as the red-shanked douc langur, wild cat, and silver-toothed weasel. The pristine environment of Son Tra provides a unique opportunity to encounter and appreciate these remarkable species in their natural habitat.


Paragliding in the Son Tra Peninsula is an exhilarating and unforgettable adventure, offering participants a unique perspective of the stunning landscapes that characterize this coastal region

Paragliding offers a scenic and serene flight experience

A visit to the Son Tra Peninsula would be incomplete without indulging in the thrilling yet remarkably enjoyable experience of paragliding. Soaring at an altitude of 600 meters presents visitors with a unique opportunity to witness the panoramic expanse of Da Nang city from a bird's-eye perspective. Engaging in paragliding not only offers a breathtaking view but also provides participants with a sense of suspense and excitement, turning it into a sport that combines adventure and awe-inspiring vistas.

Experiencing seafood

Given that 3/4 of its expanse is surrounded by the blue sea, Son Tra is truly a haven for seafood enthusiasts. These seafood offerings are expertly prepared and transformed into various delectable dishes, making them an essential component of leisurely gatherings with friends on peaceful peninsula evenings.

Tasting mountain and forest products

Son Tra Peninsula not only offers delectable seafood from its azure waters but also delights visitors with equally savory mountain and forest products. Exploring forest restaurants on the peninsula provides a chance to savor the most delicious and renowned wild vegetables and fresh wild meat, along with specialty sauces unique to Da Nang.

Coconut wine

Coconut wine is a unique and traditional beverage found in various regions, including some areas of Vietnam, such as the Son Tra Peninsula

Coconut wine specialty in Son Tra Peninsula

A distinctive specialty of Son Tra is coconut wine. This unique beverage is crafted by fermenting sticky rice wine with yeast in aged coconuts, resulting in a sweet and delightful drink that captivates the palate. Many tourists opt to purchase this precious coconut wine as a memorable gift from their Son Tra Peninsula excursion.

Price of Sightseeing Tickets

When you visit Da Nang, make sure not to miss the Son Tra Peninsula, as it offers a completely free experience. Along the journey to explore Son Tra Peninsula, you'll encounter renowned places such as Linh Ung Pagoda, the Thousand-year-old Banyan Tree, Green Lake, and Chessboard Peak.

There are some specific attractions that may have associated costs, but the majority of the Son Tra Peninsula is accessible without an entrance fee, allowing visitors to enjoy the natural beauty and cultural sites without additional expenses.

  • Bai Rang, Bai But: Free entrance, you only need to pay a fee to rent a hut and mat (prices range from 200,000 - 400,000 VND). Food is available for purchase, and there is no additional charge if you bring your own food.
  • Tien Sa Port: Entrance ticket, which includes a parking fee of 25,000 VND per person.
  • Lighthouse: Admission fee of 20,000 VND per person for a single visit.

Best time to visit Son Tra Peninsula

If you opt for the Son Tra Peninsula as your destination in Da Nang, the ideal period for your journey is late spring through autumn, specifically from March to September. This timeframe is optimal for visiting Son Tra due to the exceptionally pleasant weather in Da Nang during these months, characterized by minimal rainfall and limited fog, ensuring clear visibility. Moreover, this season experiences a lower likelihood of unforeseen natural events like storms or floods.

How to get there

Air Travel

Flying is the swiftest mode of transportation for tourists residing in remote provinces to reach the Son Tra Peninsula. Airlines frequently offer enticing incentives for travelers. To secure budget-friendly airfare, it is advisable to book Son Tra Peninsula tickets 3 to 6 months in advance.

Train Journey

In addition to air travel, trains also provide a means of reaching the Son Tra Peninsula. However, the travel duration is considerable, requiring approximately 14 to 20 hours from Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City to Son Tra Peninsula. Therefore, individuals prone to motion sickness or those not in optimal health should consider alternative modes of transportation.

Traveling from Da Nang City to Son Tra Peninsula

For travelers seeking a self-guided adventure, renting a motorbike is an option for the journey from Da Nang city to the Son Tra Peninsula. It is recommended to check rental prices and reputable addresses in advance and consistently refer to the Son Tra Peninsula map to prevent navigation challenges.

Journey from Hue or Hoi An to Son Tra Peninsula

When departing from Hue to Da Nang, visitors can simply follow Nguyen Tat Thanh street, cross Thuan Phuoc bridge, and arrive at the Son Tra Peninsula. For tourists embarking on a journey from Hoi An, the route involves traversing Truong Sa - Vo Nguyen Giap - Hoang Sa - ultimately reaching the captivating Son Tra Peninsula.