
Preah Vihear Temple, also known as Prasat Preah Vihear, is a Hindu temple perched on a clifftop overlooking the Cambodian plains. The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in Cambodia.

Preah Vihear Temple is open daily from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

History of Preah Vihear Temple

Perched majestically on a clifftop overlooking the Cambodian plains, Preah Vihear Temple whispers tales of a glorious past. Built in the 11th century by the mighty Khmer Empire, the temple served as a dedicated sanctuary to the Hindu god Shiva. Its construction stretched over a century, reflecting the empire's architectural prowess and artistic refinement.

History of Preah Vihear Temple

History of Preah Vihear Temple

Early inscriptions unveil a vibrant society centered around the temple. Priests conducted rituals, pilgrims sought blessings, and artists adorned the sandstone walls with intricate carvings depicting deities and celestial wonders. For centuries, Preah Vihear thrived as a spiritual and cultural hub, witnessing the ebb and flow of empires and civilizations.

However, time's tide also brought challenges. The 18th century saw the temple's gradual abandonment, leaving it to the embrace of nature. The once bustling halls fell silent, the vibrant colors faded, and vegetation reclaimed its domain. Yet, the grandeur remained, a testament to the Khmer ingenuity and artistic mastery.

In the 20th century, Preah Vihear re-emerged, sparking historical debates and international attention. Today, standing tall as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the temple welcomes visitors to explore its ruins, immerse themselves in its history, and marvel at its enduring beauty. It serves as a powerful reminder of Cambodia's rich cultural heritage and the enduring legacy of the Khmer Empire.

Attractions of Preah Vihear Temple

Things to do in Preah Vihear Temple

While exploring the magnificent ruins of Preah Vihear Temple is undoubtedly the main draw, there's more to this clifftop wonder than meets the eye. Here are some activities to enrich your visit:

Immerse yourself in history:

  • Decipher the stories: Delve into the intricate carvings and inscriptions adorning the temple walls, seeking glimpses into ancient rituals, beliefs, and artistic styles.
  • Navigate the ruins: Explore the various structures within the temple complex, including the main sanctuary, the library, and the Hall of the Hundred Columns, imagining their original functions and daily life.
  • Visit the museum: The on-site museum houses artifacts and exhibits that deepen your understanding of the temple's history and cultural significance.

Preah Vihear Temple

Preah Vihear Temple

Embrace the breathtaking views:

  • Panoramic vistas: Stand on the cliff edge and soak in the stunning panoramas of the Cambodian plains stretching out before you. Capture breathtaking photos with the temple perched against the vast green horizon.
  • Sunrise spectacle: Wake up early and witness the magical moment when the first rays of sunlight bathe the temple in a golden glow, creating a truly unforgettable experience.

Panoramic view of Preah Vihear Temple

Panoramic view of Preah Vihear Temple


There are a few restaurants near Preah Vihear Temple where you can try traditional Cambodian cuisine. Some popular dishes include:

  • Amok: A fish or chicken curry cooked in coconut milk.
  • Lok Lak: A beef stir-fry with onions and green peppers.
  • Nom Banh Chok: A noodle soup with fish, herbs, and spices.
  • Grilled meats: Sample fresh and flavorful grilled meats, including chicken, beef, pork, and fish, seasoned with local spices and herbs.
  • Stir-fried vegetables: Enjoy a variety of stir-fried vegetables, such as morning glory, water spinach, and bok choy, cooked to perfection with garlic and spices.
  • Fresh fruits: Take advantage of the abundance of fresh tropical fruits available, such as mangoes, pineapples, papayas, and bananas.

Preah Vihear Temple - Amok

Amok - a famous dish in Cambodia

Traveling Cost of Preah Vihear Temple

Admission Fee to Preah Vihear Temple


  • Adults: $10
  • Children under 12 years old: Free


  • Adults: 5,000 Riel (around $1.20)
  • Children under 12 years old: Free

Accommodation Cost:

  • Budget guesthouse: $10 - $20
  • Mid-range hotel: $30 - $50
  • Luxury resort: $100+

Food Cost:

  • Street food: $2 - $5
  • Restaurant meal: $10 - $20

Transportation Cost:

  • Motorbike rental: $10 - $15/day
  • Taxi: $1 - $2/km

Best Time to Visit Preah Vihear Temple

The best time to visit Preah Vihear Temple is during the dry season, from November to April. The weather is warm and sunny during this time, and the roads are less likely to be muddy.

Things to note:

  • Avoid Early morning or late afternoon because of the crowds, enjoy pleasant temperatures 
  • Rainy season: May to October (heavy rain, slippery roads)
  • Festivals: Preah Vihear Festival (November) attracts many tourists

Best time to visit Preah Vihear Temple

Best time to visit Preah Vihear Temple

How to Get to Preah Vihear Temple

Preah Vihear Temple, perched majestically on a clifftop, sits far from major cities. But fear not, adventurers! Several routes can lead you to its ancient wonders. Here are your options:

From Siem Reap:

  • Private car: The most comfortable and customizable option. Takes around 4 hours on well-maintained roads, costing $40-60.
  • Minivan: A budget-friendly alternative, sharing the cost with others. Expect 4-5 hours and $20-30 per person.
  • Taxi: Faster but pricier, costing $80-100 and taking 3-4 hours.
  • Motorbike: For the adventurous, renting a motorbike offers flexibility and breathtaking scenery. Allow 5-6 hours and $10-15 for rental. Remember, traffic rules and safety gear are essential.

From Phnom Penh:

  • Private car: Takes approximately 8 hours and costs $100-150.
  • Bus: Affordable but slower, expect a 10-12 hour journey with prices starting from $20.
  • Combined options: Some tour operators offer packages combining bus travel from Phnom Penh and a local transport connection to Preah Vihear.

Explore Preah Vihear Temple with Asia King Travel

Preah Vihear Temple stands as a testament to the Khmer Empire's architectural prowess and spiritual devotion. Its stunning clifftop location and intricate carvings make it a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an unforgettable destination.

Contact Asia King Travel today to book your tour!