
Phnom Santuk, a sacred mountain located in Kampong Thom province, Cambodia, is a popular pilgrimage site for both locals and tourists. The mountain is home to several temples and shrines, the most famous of which is Wat Phnom Santuk. The mountain is also known for its stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

History of Phnom Santuk

Phnom Santuk, a revered mountain in Cambodia's Kampong Thom province, whispers tales of a rich past. Its history stretches back centuries, even before the grand Angkorian era.

Phnom Santuk

Phnom Santuk

Legends weave a fascinating narrative of Phnom Santuk's significance.  One story suggests it was a sacred site as early as the Hindu period, possibly linked to the god Indra.  Another tale recounts King Thommo Reachea I, a 15th-century ruler, transferring sacred Buddha relics to a nearby village nestled at the foot of the mountain.

The 7th century witnessed the construction of Wat Phnom Santuk, one of Cambodia's oldest temples.  This architectural marvel signifies the mountain's role as a prominent center of Khmer culture and religion.  Over time, the mountain became a pilgrimage site, drawing devotees seeking spiritual solace and connection with a higher power.

Details about Phnom Santuk's history remain shrouded in some mystery.  However, the existing evidence paints a picture of a mountain imbued with spiritual significance for centuries.  Climbing its slopes today, you can almost feel the echoes of ancient rituals and ceremonies, adding another layer to the captivating allure of Phnom Santuk.

Attractions of Phnom Santuk

Things to Do in Phnom Santuk

There are many things to see and do at Phnom Santuk. Visitors can explore the temples and shrines, climb to the top of the mountain for panoramic views, or simply relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Some of the most popular activities include:

  • Visiting Wat Phnom Santuk, the main temple on the mountain.
  • Climbing the 700 steps to the top of the mountain for views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Visiting the nearby village of Santuk to see traditional Khmer life.
  • Take a boat trip on the Tonle Sap River, which flows near the mountain.

Phnom Santuk

Phnom Santuk

Phnom Santuk

Climbing the 700 steps to the top of mountain


  • Fish Amok: Steamed fish in fragrant curry.
  • Khmer Curry: Flavorful curry with vegetables or meat.
  • Grilled Fish: Fresh fish cooked over charcoal for a unique smoky flavor.
  • Stir-fried Prawns: Prawns stir-fried with vegetables and spices.
  • Fish Soup: Clear and savory soup with fresh fish and vegetables.

Phnom Santuk - Fish Amok

Fish Amok

Traveling Cost of Phnom Santuk

Admission Fee:

  • Adults (Foreigners): $10
  • Children (Foreigners): $5
  • Cambodians: 0.5$


  • Guesthouses: $5-$10 per night
  • Homestays: $10-$15 per night
  • Hotels: $20-$50 per night


  • Local restaurants: $2-$5 per meal
  • Street food: $1-$2 per meal
  • Drinks: $1-$2 per drink


  • Bus from Phnom Penh: $5-$10
  • Taxi from Phnom Penh: $40-$50
  • Motorbike rental: $5-$10 per day


  • Temple visits: Free
  • Hiking: Free
  • Souvenir shopping: $5-$10

Total Cost:

The total cost of your trip to Phnom Santuk will depend on your length of stay, accommodation choices, and activities. However, you can expect to spend between $50 and $100 per day for a budget-friendly trip.

Traveling Cost of Phnom Santuk

Traveling Cost of Phnom Santuk

Best Time to Visit Phnom Santuk

Phnom Santuk unfolds its magic most vibrantly during the dry season (November to April).  Sunny skies and pleasant temperatures, with minimal rain, make for a perfect climb.  The clear skies enhance your exploration of the temples, allowing for stunning photographs. Additionally, the dry season often coincides with lower humidity levels, making outdoor exploration more comfortable.

How to Get To Phnom Santuk

Several routes beckon you to explore Phnom Santuk, each offering a unique experience:

  • From Phnom Penh:
    • Bus: The most budget-friendly option. Expect a comfortable ride for $5-$10, with a travel time of approximately 4 hours.
    • Taxi: Offers a faster journey (2.5 to 3 hours) for $40-$50. Ideal if you prefer convenience or are traveling with a group.
  • From Siem Reap:
    • Taxi: While farther than Phnom Penh, taxis remain the most convenient option. The cost ranges from $40-$50 for a 2.5 to 3-hour journey.
    • Bus (Consider Carefully): Public buses are a budget option, but be prepared for longer travel times (potentially 5-6 hours) and potentially crowded conditions.

Explore Phnom Santuk with Asia King Travel!

Explore Phnom Santuk with Asia King Travel

Explore Phnom Santuk with Asia King Travel

Phnom Santuk is a sacred mountain that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. If you are looking for a spiritual and enriching experience, then Phnom Santuk is worth a visit.

Contact us today to embark on a Phnom Santuk journey!