
Nyaung Shwe is a small township in Burma, located a few kilometers north of Inle Lake in Shan State. This city was founded in 1359 by two twins from Tavoy with 36 other families. Although Nyaung Shwe is less widespread than other destinations in Burma, it has private features. The city is known for its monastery, its museum especially for the market of Nyaung Shwe. This small town is very close to one of the famous tourist spots of Burma - Inle Lake. From Nyaung Shwe, tourists can take the boat along the Nyaung Shwe Canal to access this lake (about 30 minutes).
Nyaung Shwe Cultural Museum
The museum is a splendid Royal Palace of Shan Saw Bwar (Chief), located north of the city. It was built in 1924 in an old palace that was destroyed in a fire. Nowadays, it is a place that houses many objects and images of Shan's culture and history. Inside the museum, tourists can discover the royal customs and furniture of Shan.
Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery
This wooden monastery is on the road to the airport. He is well known for a famous photo where we see small novices leaning on large oval windows. This monastery contains some beautiful pieces, including a marble Buddha with rubies and emeralds. In addition, a small pagoda offers beautiful murals and hundreds of small niches housing Buddhas.
Yandana Man Pagoda Aung Su Taung Pyay
Yandana Man Aung Su Pagoda Taung Pyay is located on the way to a royal boat in Nyaung Shwe. It is one of 84,000 pagodas during the reign of King Dhamma Thawka. After being destroyed in an earthquake in 1274, this pagoda was renovated by Sao Maung. The pagoda has an image of Yandana Man Aung with authentic relics.