
Tucked away in the Kon Tum province of Vietnam, Ngoc Linh Mountain beckons adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. Soaring to a majestic 2,598 meters (8,524 feet), it reigns supreme as the highest peak in the Central Annamite range. Beyond the bragging rights of reaching the summit, Ngoc Linh offers breathtaking panoramas, a rich tapestry of history, and a unique glimpse into the lives of the indigenous Co Tu people.

Ngoc Linh Mountain

Ngoc Linh Mountain

History of Ngoc Linh Mountain

Ngoc Linh Mountain's history is shrouded in the mists that often grace its slopes, but whispers of the past echo through the ages. The Co Tu people, with their deep reverence for nature, were the first known inhabitants.  Archaeological evidence suggests they've resided in the region for millennia, their lives intricately woven with the mountain's ecosystem. 

Ngoc Linh holds a special place in their hearts, considered a sacred site imbued with spiritual significance.  The exact timeline of their presence remains a mystery, waiting to be unraveled by future discoveries.

Attractions of Ngoc Linh Mountain

Activities in Ngoc Linh Mountain

Ngoc Linh Mountain isn't just a peak to conquer; it's a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. Here's a glimpse of what awaits you within and near this majestic mountain:

  • Conquering the Summit

The ultimate challenge for any adventurer is reaching the zenith of Ngoc Linh Mountain. The trek is not for the faint of heart, with challenging terrain and diverse ecosystems to navigate. But the reward? Breathtaking panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Ngoc Linh Mountain

The panaromic view of Ngoc Linh Mountain

  • Exploring the Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve

A haven for biodiversity, the Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Home to a staggering variety of flora and fauna, including many rare and endangered species,  the reserve offers a chance to witness the wonders of the Central Annamites firsthand. Keep your eyes peeled for elusive creatures like the Saola antelope or the Hatinh langur.

  • Immersing in Co Tu Culture

The Co Tu people, the indigenous inhabitants of the region, have a deep connection to Ngoc Linh Mountain. Visiting their villages allows you to experience their unique culture and traditions. Learn about their way of life, witness their impressive handicrafts, and gain a deeper appreciation for the harmony they've established with the mountain for centuries.

  • Soaking Up the Hot Springs

After an exhilarating trek, soothe your tired muscles in the natural hot springs dotting the foothills of Ngoc Linh Mountain. The mineral-rich waters are believed to have therapeutic properties, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Ngoc Linh Mountain - river

Tranquill river in Ngoc Linh Mountain


The food on Ngoc Linh Mountain is simple but delicious. Some of the most popular dishes include:

  • Com lam: A traditional Vietnamese dish made of rice that is cooked in bamboo tubes. The bamboo imparts a unique flavor to the rice, making it a truly special dish.
  • Ga nuong: Grilled chicken that is marinated in a variety of spices. The chicken is cooked to perfection over an open fire, resulting in a juicy and flavorful dish.
  • Ruou sam Ngoc Linh (Ngoc Linh ginseng wine): Ngoc Linh ginseng is a rare and highly prized herb that is found in the mountains of Vietnam. It is said to have many health benefits, and it is often used to make wine. 
  • Mat ong rung (Wild honey): Ngoc Linh Mountain is home to many different types of bees, and the honey that they produce is some of the finest in the world. Mat ong rung is a sweet and delicious treat that is also good for your health.
  • Wild mushrooms: Ngoc Linh Mountain is also home to a variety of wild mushrooms. Wild mushrooms are a popular ingredient in many Vietnamese dishes, and they can be enjoyed fresh, cooked, or pickled.
  • De nui (Fried crickets): De nui is a good source of protein and iron, and they have a unique flavor that is sure to appeal to some.

Ngoc Linh Mountain food

Com Lam and Grilled Chicken

Traveling cost of Ngoc Linh Mountain

Entrance Fee:

  • Adults: $20
  • Children (6-12 years old): $10
  • Students (with valid ID): $15
  • Seniors (65+ years old): $15


  • Homestays: $15-20 per night
  • Guesthouses: $20-30 per night
  • Hotels: $30-50 per night


  • Local restaurants: $5-10 per meal
  • Mid-range restaurants: $10-20 per meal
  • High-end restaurants: $20+ per meal


  • Trekking: $10-20 per day
  • Mountain biking: $20-30 per day
  • Cultural tours: $10-20 per person


  • Bus from Kon Tum City to Dak To: $5
  • Motorbike taxi from Dak To to Ngoc Linh Mountain: $10-15
  • Car rental: $30-50 per day

Other expenses:

  • Travel insurance: $10-20 per day
  • Souvenirs: $10-20

Traveling cost to Ngoc Linh Moutain

Traveling cost to Ngoc Linh Moutain

Best Time to Visit Ngoc Linh Mountain

For optimal trekking conditions:

  • Prime Season (November - April): This is the undisputed champion for trekking enthusiasts. Clear skies offer stunning panoramic views, and mild temperatures (18°C - 25°C) make hiking comfortable. However, be prepared for occasional chills at higher altitudes. This is also the peak tourist season, so expect more company on the trails.

For a taste of lush greenery (with a risk of rain):

  • Shoulder Season (May - October): While the monsoon season (May - October) can make trekking a challenge, the fringes (May and October) offer a glimpse of Ngoc Linh's verdant beauty. Lush vegetation explodes, transforming the landscape into a vibrant tapestry. However, be prepared for unpredictable weather with frequent rain showers and occasional landslides. This is a good option for those seeking a more secluded experience, but be comfortable with unpredictable conditions.

Best time to visit Ngoc Linh Moutain

Best time to visit Ngoc Linh Mountain

How to Get To Ngoc Linh Mountain

Ngoc Linh, though remote, is accessible by various means. Here's how to get there:

By Bus:

  • Take a bus from Kon Tum City to Dak To town. The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours. Expect to pay around $5 for the ticket.

From Dak To:

  • Motorbike Taxi: A convenient option for solo travelers or small groups. The ride takes around 1-2 hours, costing roughly $10-15.
  • Car Rental: Ideal for larger groups or those with luggage. It offers more flexibility but requires driving experience on potentially challenging mountain roads. Car rentals in Kon Tum range from $30-50 per day.

Hiring a Guide:

Highly recommended for first-time visitors or those seeking a safe and informative trek. They can guide you through the best routes, assist with logistics, and provide valuable insights into the local environment.

Ngoc Linh Mountain

Hunt Clouds in Ngoc Linh Mountain

Explore Ngoc Linh Mountain with Asia King Travel

Soaring majestically above the Central Annamites, Ngoc Linh Mountain is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. From the thrill of conquering the summit to the serenity of immersing yourself in the Co Tu culture, this hidden gem offers something for every adventurer. Whether you seek challenging treks or tranquil escapes, Ngoc Linh promises an unforgettable experience.

Ready to embark on your new adventure?

Contact us today to learn more about our tours to Ngoc Linh Mountain!

Explore Ngoc Linh Mountain with Asia King Travel

Explore Ngoc Linh Mountain with Asia King Travel

Place Nearby Ngoc Linh Mountain