
Nghe An, nestled in the heart of North Central Vietnam, captivates visitors with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural wonders. Vinh City, the provincial capital, stands as a bustling center, balancing tradition and modernity. The province's diverse landscape encompasses fertile plains, lush mountains, and a picturesque coastline.

Thanh CHuong island teaThanh Chuong tea island

Nghe An holds historical significance as the birthplace of Ho Chi Minh, and landmarks like the Ho Chi Minh Square and his hometown in Kim Lien Village draw history enthusiasts. Nature lovers can explore the biodiversity of Pu Mat National Park, while sun-seekers may find solace in the golden sands of Cua Lo Beach. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, a UNESCO World Heritage site, adds an ancient architectural allure. Nghe An's cuisine, featuring specialties like "banh muot" and eel vermicelli soup, provides a delightful gastronomic experience. With its blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty, Nghe An invites travelers to uncover the treasures hidden within its borders.

History of Nghe An

Nghe An, with its roots stretching back through the corridors of time, bears witness to a multifaceted history that encapsulates the resilience and determination of its people. From the ancient tapestry woven by diverse ethnic communities to the imposition of French colonial rule, Nghe An has been a canvas upon which the story of Vietnam unfolds. In the late 19th century, the province found itself under the yoke of colonialism, and yet, it became a crucible of resistance. Nghe An became a focal point of anti-French movements, embodying the fervor of a people yearning for independence. This historical fervor reached a crescendo with the birth of Ho Chi Minh in 1890 in Kim Lien Village, forever linking Nghe An to the founding father of modern Vietnam. The province's landscape was transformed during the Vietnam War, marked by poignant moments of sacrifice and valor. Nghe An bore witness to both the ravages of conflict and the unyielding spirit of its people.

Vinh ancient citadel Vinh Ancient Citadel - Explore Unique Nghe An Ancient Citadel

Post-conflict, Nghe An embarked on a journey of reconstruction and development. The province's historical significance is palpable in the Ho Chi Minh Square in Vinh City and the imposing Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Nghe An stands not only as a testament to the struggles of the past but also as a symbol of Vietnam's resilience and unity. Today, the province continues to evolve, embracing economic development in agriculture and industry, while simultaneously preserving its cultural heritage. Nghe An invites visitors to delve into its rich history, explore the landscapes that shaped its identity, and appreciate the enduring spirit that defines this captivating corner of Vietnam. In every ancient brick of its citadels and in the rustle of the winds through its fields, Nghe An whispers tales of a storied past that resonates in the present and inspires the future.

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Best time to visit Nghe An 

The best time to visit Nghe An, like many other regions in Vietnam, is during the dry season, which typically spans from November to April. Within this period, the months from November to February are considered the most favorable for travel. During these months, the weather is relatively cooler and more comfortable, making it conducive for exploring the province's outdoor attractions.

Cua lo beachCua Lo Beach 

1. November to February (Cool and Dry):
   - This period is characterized by cooler temperatures, lower humidity, and minimal rainfall. It provides a pleasant climate for outdoor activities, cultural exploration, and visits to historical sites. It's worth noting that temperatures can drop in the northern parts of Vietnam during December and January.

2. March and April (Transition to Hotter Weather):
   - March and April mark the transition from the cool season to the hotter season in Nghe An. While temperatures start to rise, these months can still be suitable for travel, with clear skies and blooming landscapes.

Nghe An experiences a distinct wet season from May to October, characterized by heavy rainfall and high humidity. While the lush greenery during this time can be visually appealing, travel plans may be impacted by occasional downpours and the increased risk of storms, particularly from July to September.

Explore Nghe An culinary culture

Dishes with special, rustic flavors will be extremely attractive for diners to enjoy in Nghe An. From the flavors, ingredients, to the way of processing, everything is influenced by the people here.

  • Eel porridge: Nghe An is famous as "the land of eels", hot eel porridge with soft boiled rice grains. Eel meat is both soft and sweet, seasoned just right with spicy pepper to stimulate the taste buds, creating a delicious and attractive bowl of porridge.
  • Grilled jumping squid in Cua Lo: Cua Lo is not only famous for its cool blue sea, but Cua Lo is also famous for its grilled squid (also known as jumping squid). Fresh squid are caught early in the morning and processed the same day. The squid is grilled on fragrant charcoal stoves. Sweet and crispy squid is dipped in spicy chili sauce or salt, pepper, lemon, sour and salty, making the squid dish more flavorful.
  • Nghe An Banh Muot: The main ingredient for this Muot cake is plain rice, ground into powder, soaked before bringing it to the forehead to let the cake swell. The cake can be eaten with grilled meat, pork sausage, and Nghe An's "own" turmeric cake dipping sauce.
  • Nghe An Sweet Cake: Nghe An Sweet Cake is a simple dish covered with a lot of honey and has the scent of ginger. If enjoyed when it's drizzling or chilly, eating hot will be very delicious. The fragrant, fatty outer shell of glutinous rice flour and the sweetness are covered by honey, adding a bit of spicy aroma from ginger.

Explore Nghe An culinary cultureExplore Nghe An culinary culture

How to get there

Reaching Nghe An is a journey into the heart of Vietnam, and various transportation options cater to diverse travel preferences. For those seeking speed and convenience, Vinh International Airport stands ready to welcome visitors with flights connecting to major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Alternatively, the romance of rail travel unfolds as the North-South Railway passes through Vinh City, offering picturesque views and a leisurely journey. Long-distance buses crisscross the province, providing an economical and extensive network for those opting for overland travel. Adventurous spirits may choose to navigate the well-maintained road network by car or motorbike, enjoying the flexibility to explore the countryside at their own pace. Whichever mode of transportation one selects, the journey to Nghe An promises to be a seamless blend of convenience, cultural immersion, and the breathtaking landscapes that characterize this captivating region of Vietnam.

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Tour in Nghe An

Cua Lo Unveiled: 2-Day Coastal Getaway

Cua Lo Unveiled: 2-Day Coastal Getaway

Embark on a mesmerizing 2-day, 1-night journey to Cua Lo, where sun-kissed beach...

Duration: 2 days 1 night