
Mergui is truly a tourist paradise for those who like to explore the vast ocean and dive under clear, emerald water. Located in southern Burma, this archipelago of the Andaman Sea is considered a remarkable natural heritage with more than 500 islands, a varied flora and unspoiled beauty of nature. The Mergui Islands are also home to the Moken - a minority ethnic group that has lived there for many years and is known for its friendship and livelihood. Upon arrival at this archipelago, tourists can enjoy the beauty of the sea, the ocean and discover the daily life of the Moken.
Kawthoung is the gateway to Mergui. It is located in the Tanintharyi region at the mouth of Karabi. From 1824 to 1948, at the time of the British occupation, the city bore the name of Victoria Point. The small town is well known for the Andaman Club Resort Hotel on Thahtay Kyun Island. It owns a big international casino of Burma. Located 39m northwest of Kawthaung, there is a small waterfall and there are hot springs in Maliwan.
Lam Island
Lampi Island is the most famous island of the Mergui archipelago. Lampi has a magnificent natural beauty and is considered a National Park. Inside this city, there is a tropical forest that is like a shield of the island. In the south of the island, it is the most attractive place, the tourists can explore the primary forests which have a rich fauna. In your trip, you can also get to know the minority ethnic group living on the island: the Morkens discover their lives and enjoy the unspoilt beauty of this island.
Isle of Wa Ale
Located 65km from Kawthoung, the island of Wa Ale has great corals and a very rich maritime ecosystem. The island of Wa Ale is also home to many birds, animals and plants. Especially, this island is an ideal destination for those who love diving thanks to the clear water, the white sand and the beautiful corals.