
Ly Son Island is a coastal island in central Vietnam. It comprises three smaller islands: Big Island, Small Island, and Mu Cu Islet. Among them, Big Island is where the population is concentrated and the main economic activities take place. Volcanic activity created the area's unique geography that supports abundant garlic fields, earning it the name "Garlic Kingdom."

Panoramic view of Ly Son Island

Panoramic view of Ly Son Island

Ly Son holds a significant role in Vietnamese maritime history. It was an important base for Paracel Flotilla, a group of naval men assigned to guard Vietnam's maritime territories. Nowadays, Ly Son Island attracts nature lovers and those interested in coastal culture. Let Asia King Travel show you the island’s attractions right below.

Location of Ly Son Island and How to get there

Ly Son Island is a district island in Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. The island is about 15 nautical miles east of the mainland. The fastest way to arrive in Quang Ngai is traveling by plane to Chu Lai Airport. Visitors from Hue to Quang Nam can choose driving options for more convenience and witness the magnificent scenery on the coastal road.

Tourists have to take a boat from Sa Ky Port to Ly Son island

Tourists have to take a boat from Sa Ky Port to Ly Son island

To get to Ly Son Island from Quang Ngai City, you must go to Sa Ky Port about 23 kilometers from the city center. From there, take a high-speed boat (30-45 minutes) or a ferry (1 hour) to reach the island.

History of Paracel Flotilla

The Hoang Sa Flotilla was a maritime fleet established by the Nguyen lords in the 17th century. Its initial purpose was to annually send people from Quang Ngai to Paracel Archipelago to exploit marine resources and collect drifted ashore goods. By the early 19th century, King Gia Long officially dispatched the Hoang Sa Flotilla to survey the waters around Hoang Sa. 

This served as concrete evidence of Vietnam's assertion of sovereignty over the archipelago. Throughout their operation, Paracel Flotilla excelled in duties and fostered generations of brave soldiers. For this reason, the Hoang Sa Flotilla has always been praised in Vietnamese history books.

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Best time to visit Ly Son Island

The rainy season on Ly Son Island lasts from September to February, while the dry season is from March to August. Therefore, the best time to visit Ly Son is between June and early September to enjoy the most favorable weather. During this time, the weather is sunny and dry, making it perfect for outdoor activities.

Paracel Soldiers Commemoration Ceremony on Ly Son Island. Source: Lao Dong Newspaper

Paracel Soldiers Commemoration Ceremony on Ly Son Island. Source: Lao Dong Newspaper

Other periods to consider visiting Ly Son are early December to witness the garlic harvest, or around the second to the third month of the lunar calendar for Paracel Soldiers Commemoration Ceremony.

Things to do in Ly Son Island

Swimming and Snorkeling

As a beach lover, you definitely shouldn't miss Ly Son Island. This place is famous for its clear turquoise water. There are rocky outcrops and crevices near the shore teeming with colorful fish visible when swimming or wading. You can rent a canoe offshore to snorkel and see colorful coral reefs.

Ly Son Island has earned the prestigious moniker: Maldives of Vietnam

Ly Son Island has earned the prestigious moniker: Maldives of Vietnam

Visiting To Vo Gate

To Vo Gate located on the eastern side of Ly Son Island, was formed from volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. This site is notable for a tall stone arch resembling a curtain opening to the sea, combined with solidified lava that creates a unique landscape. Additionally, the surrounding area features intriguing black volcanic rock formations.

A gate erected on the sea

A gate erected on the sea

Hiking up to Thoi Loi Peak

Thoi Loi Peak is the highest point on the island and has panoramic views of the whole island. The mountain is about 170 m above sea level and the top of the mountain is a giant basin. On Thoi Loi Peak, there is a flagpole that always flutters the Vietnamese flag as a symbol of the strong vitality of the people on the island.

Ly Son Island giant basin

Ly Son Island giant basin

Drop by Ly Son Garlic Fields

Garlic is a famous specialty of Ly Son Island. At Thoi Loi Peak, you can admire the endless green garlic fields. The garlic fields covering Ly Son Island are an interesting tourist attraction, full of colors and characteristic aromas.

Lush green garlic garden on Ly Son Island. Source: EVN

Lush green garlic garden on Ly Son Island. Source: EVN

Visiting Paracel Flotilla Exhibition House

Paracel Flotilla Exhibition House covers a 400 square meters area in Ly Son District administrative center. In front of the exhibition house stands a stone statue of three Paracel soldiers, their faces gazed resolutely eastward. The statue commemorates soldiers who were unable to return from duty.

Paracel soldiers steadfastly towards the sea

Paracel soldiers steadfastly towards the sea

The exhibition house consists of three main rooms. The two rooms at the ends serve as reception areas, a library, and a storage room for artifacts. The central room displays over 100 artifacts and documents related to sovereignty, including Paracel and Spratly archipelagos’ maps, fishing boats, and essential tools used by the soldiers.


Despite its growing popularity as a tourist destination, Ly Son Island has managed to retain traditional charm. Ly Son Island is a great destination for your beach vacation. Additionally, you can buy Ly Son garlic specialty to spice up your meal. Contact us now to set sail to Vietnam Frontier Island!

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