
Linh Ung Pagoda, notably exemplified by the renowned Lady Buddha Pagoda in Da Nang, Vietnam, stands as a captivating spiritual and cultural landmark. Perched on the scenic Son Tra Peninsula, the pagoda offers breathtaking vistas of the East Sea. Central to its allure is the towering statue of the Lady Buddha, a monumental representation of the Bodhisattva of Mercy, standing at an impressive 67 meters and crafted from marble. The pagoda's architectural splendor, featuring traditional Vietnamese Buddhist design adorned with intricate details, complements the serene ambiance of its surroundings. Visitors to Linh Ung Pagoda are immersed in an atmosphere conducive to worship, meditation, and spiritual contemplation. The pagoda's accessibility from Da Nang city makes it a popular destination, attracting both tourists and locals seeking the profound cultural and spiritual experiences it offers.


The Lady Buddha Pagoda in Da Nang, officially known as Linh Ung Pagoda, has etched its place in Vietnamese cultural and spiritual history since its inception in the early 21st century. The pagoda's cornerstone is the construction of the awe-inspiring Lady Buddha statue, a marvel crafted from marble that reaches a soaring height of 67 meters, making it one of Vietnam's tallest Buddhist statues. Commencing in 2004, the pagoda's construction was not merely a structural endeavor but a profound initiative to honor the Bodhisattva of Mercy and advocate for peace and compassion. Nestled on the picturesque Son Tra Peninsula, the pagoda's architectural design resonates with traditional Vietnamese Buddhist elements, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the region. Beyond its structural grandeur, the Lady Buddha Pagoda stands as a haven for worship, meditation, and reflection, drawing both locals and tourists to its tranquil ambiance. Over the years, it has become a celebrated tourist destination, offering panoramic views of the East Sea and exemplifying the intersection of spiritual reverence and natural beauty.

Top attractions in Linh Ung Pagoda

The Linh Ung Pagoda, particularly the Lady Buddha Pagoda in Da Nang, Vietnam, is a captivating destination with several notable attractions.

Lady Buddha Statue: The central and most iconic feature of the Linh Ung Pagoda is the towering Lady Buddha statue. Standing at 67 meters, the statue is made of marble and serves as a symbol of compassion and mercy. Visitors can marvel at the impressive craftsmanship and ascend to get panoramic views of the surroundings.

The Lady Buddha represents the Bodhisattva of Mercy, who is regarded as a compassionate and merciful figure in Buddhism

The Lady Buddha Statue is an iconic and significant religious monument

Pagoda Complex: The entire Linh Ung Pagoda complex consists of various structures, including traditional pagodas, shrines, and halls. These structures showcase intricate Vietnamese Buddhist architecture and are adorned with beautiful details and sculptures.

The Lady Buddha Pagoda Complex in Da Nang is a significant religious site that features not only the iconic Lady Buddha statue but also a broader pagoda complex with various structures and elements

Panorama of Linh Ung Pagoda complex

Gardens and Grounds: The pagoda is surrounded by well-maintained gardens and grounds, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can take leisurely strolls, enjoying the tranquility and perhaps participating in meditation.

The gardens and grounds surrounding the Lady Buddha Pagoda in Da Nang, Vietnam, enhance the overall experience of the religious site, providing a serene and contemplative environment

The temple's spacious grounds

Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Shrine: Besides the Lady Buddha statue, the pagoda complex may have additional shrines dedicated to different Buddhist figures. The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, associated with compassion, is often revered in such shrines.

Panoramic Views: Perched on the Son Tra Peninsula, Linh Ung Pagoda offers breathtaking panoramic views of the East Sea, Da Nang city, and the surrounding landscape. The location provides a unique vantage point for photography and contemplation.

Seven-story Tower: Some pagoda complexes may include a seven-story tower, each level representing different aspects of Buddhist teachings. Visitors can climb the tower to explore the various exhibits and enjoy elevated views.

A seven-story tower refers to a multi-tiered architectural structure with seven distinct levels or stories

Seven-story towers are often featured as tourist attractions

Cultural and Religious Artifacts: Inside the pagoda, there may be displays of cultural and religious artifacts, including statues, paintings, and scriptures, offering insights into the history and teachings of Buddhism.

Cultural and religious artifacts encompass a diverse array of objects, artworks, and items that hold significant cultural, historical, or religious value within a society or community

The Scene inside the Linh Ung Pagoda

Ceremonial Activities: Depending on the time of visit, tourists might have the opportunity to witness or participate in ceremonial activities or festivals held at the pagoda. These events provide a deeper understanding of local religious practices.

Ceremonial activities at Linh Ung Pagoda are likely to include a range of religious rituals, ceremonies, and events that are integral to the practice of Buddhism

Buddhists gather at the temple every holiday

Price of sightseeing ticket in Linh Ung Pagoda

The wonderful aspect is that there is no charge for visiting Linh Ung Pagoda on Son Tra in Da Nang. You can freely explore the temple's beauty and delve into its spiritual history without incurring any fees. Nevertheless, if you wish to make a voluntary contribution to support the temple's maintenance and accumulate merit, you are welcome to donate as you see fit.

Best time to visit

Due to its open-air setting surrounded by mountains and forests, it is advisable, as suggested by many, to visit the temple between March and September each year. This period coincides with the dry season and marks Da Nang's peak tourist season. During these months, the weather is generally dry, with no rain, showcasing a clear blue sky and cool temperatures. This not only facilitates easy movement but also provides clear visibility of the scenic surroundings, adorned with the characteristic green hues. Conversely, planning a visit between September and December may pose challenges. During this time, heavy rain, storms, fog, and slippery roads are common occurrences, making the experience somewhat difficult.

Opening hours: 6:00 - 21:00

Address: Bai But area, Tho Quang ward, Son Tra district, Da Nang city

How to get there

Road to Linh Ung Pagoda: Starting from Da Nang airport, proceed along Duy Tan street, make a left onto Trung Nu Vuong, and continue straight until you reach Dragon Bridge. At the terminus of Vo Van Kiet street, make a left onto Vo Nguyen Giap, and proceed straight until you reach Hoang Sa street. Follow Hoang Sa Street without deviation, and you will find Linh Ung Pagoda situated on the left-hand side

Motorbike: Motorbike stands out as the preferred means of transportation for those journeying to Linh Ung Pagoda, Bai But Son Tra. Easily rentable from hotels or motels in Da Nang, these motorbikes provide a flexible and popular option. The travel time from the city center to Linh Ung Bai But Son Tra Pagoda on a motorbike is approximately 30 minutes, allowing visitors to enjoy the scenic route at their own pace.

Taxi: For those seeking a quick and convenient travel option, taxis are readily available to transport individuals to Linh Ung Bai But Son Tra Pagoda. Although taxi fares may be higher compared to motorbike rentals, the journey is swift, taking around 20 minutes from Da Nang city center to the pagoda. Taxis offer a comfortable and efficient choice, particularly for those who prefer a more direct and hassle-free commute.

Bus: On the other hand, individuals looking for a budget-friendly option may opt for the bus. While it is the cheapest means of transportation to Linh Ung Pagoda, the trade-off is a longer travel time of approximately 45 minutes from Da Nang city center. Buses provide a cost-effective solution for those who are not constrained by time and wish to explore Linh Ung Pagoda at a more leisurely pace