
Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda or Golden Rock is one of the famous Buddhist shrines of Burma. Located 200km from Yangon, in Mon State, this pagoda is a huge rock about 6 m in diameter, balanced at 1200 m altitude. At the top of the rock, there is a small stupa of 7.3 meters which has been covered with thousands of gold leaves by the pilgrims over the years.
According to tradition, the rock was placed there by two nats (spirits) 2,500 years ago. Legend also does not want Mount Kyaiktiyo Rock to put the presence of a Buddha's hair in balance within the dominant stupa. This since the eleventh century, when King Tissa received the famous hair of a hermit ... Since then, the Mount has become a Mecca of the Buddhist pilgrimage.
This pagoda attracts tourists with its original architecture, sacred history and tradition. Travelers can discover interesting mysteries of Buddhism in Burma. If you climb to the top of the rock, you will have a magnificent panoramic view of the landscapes of the region.
However, according to the traditional rules, women do not have the right to touch or even approach this golden rock.