
Beng Mealea, an enchanting temple from the 12th century in Cambodia, built during the reign of King Suryavarman II, is a prototype of Angkor Wat's architecture. Unrestored and overrun by jungle, its mysterious ruins and atmosphere offer a unique exploration experience. This hidden gem, with a blend of historical significance and natural beauty, has captivated visitors who love to explore history and the beauty of temples in Cambodia. 

Beng Mealea is an enchanting temple from the 12th century in Cambodia

Beng Mealea is an enchanting temple from the 12th century in Cambodia (Cre:

Location of Beng Mealea

Beng Mealea is located about 40 kilometers east of the main temple of the Angkor Wat complex. The temple is situated near the town of Svay Leu in Siem Reap Province. Nestled in dense jungle, Beng Mealea offers a remote and adventurous experience for visitors.

  • Open hour: from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM every day.

History of Beng Mealea

Beng Mealea is a Hindu temple built in the early 12th century during the reign of King Suryavarman II, the king who constructed Angkor Wat. Beng Mealea is often referred to as the "Lost Temple of Angkor" because it was largely unknown to the outside world until the early 20th century.

Beng Mealea was never fully completed and was abandoned shortly after construction. The temple was then left in the jungle and quickly became overgrown with trees.

In the 1990s, Beng Mealea began to be cleared and plans for restoration were made. However, the temple largely remains in ruins and is one of the most atmospheric Angkor temples. 

History of Beng Mealea

History of Beng Mealea (Cre: lili_name_caxo)

Today, Beng Mealea is a well-known tourist destination. The temple is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site and is one of the best-preserved temples in Angkor. Visitors to Beng Mealea can explore the ruins of the temple and admire its magnificent architecture. 

Read more: Cambodia tours 5 days 

Highlight of Beng Mealea 

Architectural of Beng Mealea

Beng Mealea is a large and impressive temple complex that is built in the classical Angkor Wat style. The temple is made of sandstone and laterite and is laid out in a cruciform pattern, with a central tower surrounded by four smaller towers. The temple is decorated with many intricate carvings, including depictions of gods, goddesses, and scenes from Hindu mythology.

Surrounding the central sanctuary are libraries and galleries, which can be used for religious ceremonies, rituals, and as storage spaces for religious texts and artifacts.

Unlike some of the more extensively restored temples in the Angkor complex, Beng Mealea retains a sense of mystery and adventure due to its largely unrestored condition and the dense jungle vegetation that surrounds and accentuates it. sink its ruins.

Overall, Beng Mealea's architectural design and construction techniques demonstrate the ingenuity and ingenuity of Khmer civilization, making it an attractive destination for visitors interested in architecture. ​architecture and ancient history. 

Beng Mealea is a large and impressive temple complex

Beng Mealea is a large and impressive temple complex (Cre:

Activities for tourists

There are several activities for tourists to enjoy when visiting Beng Mealea and the surrounding area: 

  • Exploring Beng Mealea: Spend time exploring the ruins of Beng Mealea, climbing over the temple's intricate stone structures, and discovering hidden corners of the complex. 
  • Nature Walks: Take a leisurely stroll through the surrounding jungle, immersing yourself in the lush greenery and listening to the sounds of nature.
  • Nearby Attractions: Visit other nearby attractions such as the Roluos Group of temples or the floating villages on Tonlé Sap Lake. 

Several activities for tourists to enjoy when visiting Beng Mealea

Several activities for tourists to enjoy when visiting Beng Mealea (Cre: giuliogroebert)

Beng Mealea offers a range of activities to suit different interests, from cultural and historical exploration to nature-based adventures.

How to get there? 

To reach Beng Mealea, you'll typically start your journey from Siem Reap, the nearest major city. Here are the common ways to get to Beng Mealea: 

  • Private car/ Taxi: This is the most convenient way to get to Beng Mealea because there are no direct buses or trains to Beng Mealea. You can hire a taxi from Siem Reap and the ride takes about 1.5 hours.
  • Tuk-tuks are a more traditional and affordable way to get around Cambodia. However, they are also slower than taxis, and the ride to Beng Mealea can take up to 2 hours.
  • Tour: There are many tours available that include a visit to Beng Mealea. Tours typically include transportation from Siem Reap, a guide, and entrance fees to the temple. This can be a good option if you want to learn more about the history of the temple and don't want to worry about transportation. 

Regardless of the mode of transportation you choose, Beng Mealea is approximately a 1.5 to 2-hour drive from Siem Reap, depending on traffic and road conditions. It's advisable to start early in the day to avoid crowds and make the most of your visit to this fascinating temple complex.

 The common ways to get to Beng Mealea

The common ways to get to Beng Mealea (Cre: escapefromcity)

The best time to visit  Beng Mealea

The best time to visit Beng Mealea is during the dry season, from November to March. During these months, the weather is cooler and more comfortable, with minimal rainfall making exploration easier and safer. The clear skies and bright sunlight enhance the visibility and beauty of the temple, perfect for photography. 

Additionally, lower humidity levels during this period ensure a more pleasant experience while walking and climbing around the ruins. While Beng Mealea can be visited year-round, the dry season offers the most favorable conditions for an enjoyable and memorable visit.

The best time to visit Beng Mealea is during the dry season

The best time to visit Beng Mealea is during the dry season (Cre:

Some tips when traveling to Beng Mealea

Here are some tips to enhance your visit to Beng Mealea: 

  • Dress appropriately: Beng Mealea is an active temple site, so respectful attire is recommended. Opt for lightweight, long clothing that covers your shoulders and knees. Comfortable shoes are essential for navigating uneven terrain.
  • Cash for Entrance Fee: The entrance fee to Beng Mealea is typically paid in cash, so ensure you have enough local currency (Cambodian Riel or US dollars).
  • Embrace the adventure: Beng Mealea's charm lies partly in its ruined state. While some areas may be off-limits for safety reasons, explore the accessible parts with a sense of adventure, but always prioritize safety and avoid climbing unstable structures.
  • Prepare visa/passport: You should check the validity of your passport, ensuring it is valid for at least 6 months, and update visa information on the official website of the Cambodian Embassy or inquire at the Embassy in your country of residence.
  • Try local food: When visiting Beng Mealea, you'll have the opportunity to try various Cambodian foods like Amok, Bai Sach Chrouk, Nom Banh Chok,...

Some tips to enhance your visit to Beng Mealea

Some tips to enhance your visit to Beng Mealea (Cre: tasteatlas)


Beng Mealea offers a unique blend of historical intrigue and natural beauty. Known as the "Lost Temple of Angkor," its largely unrestored ruins, overrun by jungle, provide an adventurous and atmospheric experience for visitors. Exploring Beng Mealea allows travelers to step back in time and witness the grandeur of Khmer architecture in a serene, remote setting. 

If you are someone who loves curiosity and exploring historical stories, you should definitely schedule a visit to learn about Beng Mealea.

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