
Nestled amidst the pristine blue sea and breathtaking natural landscapes, Bai Tru Khanh Hoa is an ideal retreat for those who seek tranquility and unique cultural experiences. Embark on a journey with us to unravel the pristine beauty and extraordinary experiences this destination holds.

Bai Tru

The beautiful view of Bai Tru Khanh Hoa

History of Bai Tru

Bai Tru, nestled in the heart of Khanh Hoa province, boasts a history as diverse and rich as its natural beauty. Dating back centuries, this coastal haven has been a witness to the ebb and flow of time, leaving behind a tapestry of cultural influences.

The roots of Bai Tru can be traced to ancient Cham civilization, evident in the remnants of Cham temples scattered across the region. Over the years, it became a bustling trade hub, connecting seafaring communities and fostering cultural exchange.

During the colonial era, Bai Tru bore witness to the footprints of various foreign powers, each leaving an indelible mark on its landscape. The resilience of the local people and their deep connection to the land played a pivotal role in shaping the region's unique identity.

In more recent history, Bai Tru has evolved into a serene escape, drawing travelers seeking solace and a glimpse into Vietnam's past. The cultural heritage, combined with the breathtaking scenery, paints Bai Tru as a destination where history and natural beauty intertwine, offering visitors a captivating journey through time.

Attractions of Bai Tru

1. Bai Tru Beach - Tranquil Oasis

Bai Tru Beach is a serene haven where tranquility meets natural beauty. Along the coastline, visitors can enjoy the peaceful ambiance, soft sands, and gentle waves. It's an ideal spot for those seeking a quiet retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Bai Tru beach

Tranquil and natural beauty of Bai Tru beach

2. Cham Temples - Ancient Marvels

Explore the ancient Cham temples scattered throughout Bai Tru. These architectural marvels showcase intricate carvings and unique designs, providing a glimpse into the historical and cultural heritage of the region. The temples are a must-visit for history enthusiasts and those seeking a spiritual connection.

Bai Tru Cham Temple

Cham Temples - Historical and cultural heritage

3. Traditional Villages - Cultural Immersion

Immerse yourself in Bai Tru's cultural heritage by visiting traditional villages. These villages offer a genuine experience of Vietnamese daily life, where you can engage with local artisans, witness traditional crafts, and embrace the warm hospitality of the community. It's a unique opportunity to connect with the authentic essence of Bai Tru.

Bai Tru village

The peaceful traditional village of Bai Tru

4. Water Sports Paradise

Bai Tru is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. Whether you crave the adrenaline rush of jet-skiing or prefer a more relaxing paddle-boarding session, the azure waters provide the perfect playground. The coastline becomes a vibrant hub of aquatic activities, ensuring an exciting experience for adventure seekers.

5. Local Markets - Gastronomic Delights

Explore the vibrant local markets of Bai Tru, where an array of fresh seafood and local delicacies awaits. Indulge in the flavors of Bai Tru, savoring the unique blend of coastal bounty and Vietnamese culinary expertise. The markets offer a delightful gastronomic journey, allowing visitors to taste the diverse and delicious offerings of the region.

Travelling cost of Bai Tru


Bai Tru offers a diverse range of accommodation options to suit various budgets. On average, a night in a mid-range hotel or guesthouse can range from 800,000 VND to 1,500,000 VND (approximately 35 EUR to 65 EUR). For those seeking a more luxurious experience, upscale resorts may charge upwards of 2,500,000 VND (about 110 EUR) per night.


Exploring the local culinary scene is a delightful part of the Bai Tru experience. A meal at a local restaurant may cost around 150,000 VND to 300,000 VND per person (approximately 6.50 EUR to 13 EUR). Fine dining options could go up to 500,000 VND per person (about 22 EUR).


Getting to Bai Tru is relatively affordable. A one-way ticket on public transport, such as a bus or train, can range from 50,000 VND to 200,000 VND (approximately 2 EUR to 9 EUR), depending on the departure location. Local transportation within Bai Tru, such as taxis or rideshare services, may cost around 50,000 VND to 150,000 VND (about 2 EUR to 6.50 EUR) for short distances.

Entrance Fees and Activities 

The cost of entrance fees to various attractions and activities in Bai Tru can vary. Budgeting around 300,000 VND per day (approximately 13 EUR) for entrance fees and excursions should cover most attractions.

Best Time to Visit Bai Tru

Bai Tru welcomes visitors throughout the year, but the optimal time to explore this coastal gem is during the dry season, spanning from January to August. During these months, the weather is generally pleasant, with clear skies and calm seas. This period offers the perfect conditions for sunbathing on the pristine beaches, engaging in water sports, and exploring the cultural attractions without the interruption of heavy rainfall.

Avoid the rainy season, which typically occurs from September to December, as it may bring heavy downpours and occasional storms. This could limit outdoor activities and hinder the overall travel experience.

best time to visit Bai Tru

The best time to visit Bai Tru

How to get to Bai Tru

By Air

The most convenient way to reach Bai Tru is by flying into Cam Ranh International Airport. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or use a shuttle service to cover the remaining distance to Bai Tru. The journey offers picturesque views and takes approximately one to two hours, depending on traffic.

By Road

For those seeking a scenic road trip, Bai Tru is accessible by road. Buses and private car services are available from nearby cities like Nha Trang. The road journey allows travelers to soak in the beauty of the Vietnamese countryside and coastline, making the travel experience an integral part of the adventure.

Local Transportation

Within Bai Tru, getting around is easy with local transportation options such as taxis and motorbike rentals. These provide flexibility for exploring nearby attractions and accessing various parts of the region.

Explore Bai Tru with Asia King Travel

Discover the captivating allure of Bai Tru in Khanh Hoa alongside Asia King Travel, your trusted guide to uncovering hidden gems. With local expertise and a commitment to excellence, Asia King Travel ensures a seamless and authentic experience.