
Located 80km from Yangon, Bago was the ancient capital of the kingdom of Mon. According to legend, the city was founded in 573 by two princesses of My Son Thaton, after a favorable omen: A couple of sacred Brahmanic geese would land on a tiny island in the Gulf of Martaban, for lack of place, had to land on the back of the male. It is to this legendary couple so that Bago owns his first name, Hamsawaddy or Hanthawaddy, the "kingdom of the goose".
Nowadays, Bago is the capital of the region of the same name. It is a very busy city whose activity is based mainly on the trade of rice and dried fish sent to the rest of the country.
Thanks to its charm and its peace, Bago is a can’t – be - missed city in your trip to Burma. The city is home to many Buddhist monuments. Tourists can find there: Shwemawdaw Pagoda, KyaikPun Pagoda, Taungoo Kingdom's La Plais de Kanbawzathadi and especially the Great Reclining Buddha - one of the most extraordinary emblems of the country. It is 55 meters long and 16 meters high. For the anecdote, the little finger is 3 meters. This statue is in Shwe Thar Lyaung pagoda - one of the oldest pagodas in Burma that was restored and restored in the 19 th century. Besides lying Buddha, Shwemandaw Pagoda is also a site not to miss the city. Built in 895 by the Mons, it is one of the most venerated pagodas of Burma. The 1000-year-old golden stupa dominates the city at a height of 114 meters.
If you like to discover Buddhism and contemplate the giant and significant monuments, Bago will be an ideal destination. A trip to this city brings you interesting and unforgettable experiences.
Shwemandaw Pagoda
King Anawrahta built this pagoda after his conqueror of Thaton in 1957. This pagoda is located in the center of the ancient kingdom and is higher than the Shwezigon Pagoda in Yangon. The 1000-year-old golden stupa locates at a height of 114 meters. This stupa has suffered a lot of damage and, as a result of the various renovations, its high has increased each time. The last reconstruction of the pagoda began in 1942 and was completed two years later, thanks to government funding and donations from the population. The pagoda museum houses images of bronze and stone found in the rubble.
Kha Khat WainKyaung Monastery
It is one of the largest monasteries in Burma, home to nearly 500 monks. At the arrival of this monastery, tourists can discover the daily life of monks. Every morning, they go to the pagoda, their silent procession is impressive. From 10 am, donors can offer them food. But the attraction of Bago is the meal of the monks. The afternoon is devoted to the study; we hear them read and recite aloud.
Shwe Thar Lyaung Pagoda
This pagoda is famous for a huge reclining Buddha. According to legend, the pagoda was built by a king who converted to Buddhism after intending to kill his son and daughter-in-law. The reclining Buddha is a treasure of the pagoda. It is 55 meters long and 16 meters high, its toes are almost 2 meters high ... Its pillow is made up of chests richly decorated with glass mosaics. The statue is quite venerated by the Burmese.