
Ba Na Hills is a popular tourist destination and resort complex located in the Truong Son Mountains near Da Nang, Vietnam. Positioned approximately 25 kilometers west of Da Nang City, this mountain retreat is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, pleasant climate, and a variety of attractions that cater to both nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. 

Ba Na Hills has gained international recognition as a must-visit destination, attracting tourists with its blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and modern attractions. Whether visitors are seeking serene spiritual moments, breathtaking views, or family-friendly entertainment, Ba Na Hills offers a diverse and memorable experience.


Ba Na Hills, nestled in the Truong Son Mountains near Da Nang, Vietnam, holds a rich history that weaves together cultural influences, colonial legacies, and modern tourism development. The region's indigenous roots date back centuries, witnessing the ebb and flow of local cultures. During the French colonial era, the French sought respite from the lowland heat in hill stations, leaving an architectural imprint evident in Ba Na Hills' charming French Village. The tumultuous years of the Vietnam War cast shadows on the landscape, but post-war recovery paved the way for development. In recent decades, Ba Na Hills has emerged as a key player in Vietnam's tourism, with attractions like the Golden Bridge and Linh Ung Pagoda gaining international acclaim. Today, this destination seamlessly blends historical echoes with contemporary allure, inviting visitors to experience the beauty of its landscapes and the cultural tapestry that defines Ba Na Hills.

Top attractions in Ba Na Hills

Ba Na Hills offers a diverse range of attractions, combining natural beauty with unique architectural features and entertainment options. 

Golden Bridge: The Golden Bridge is an iconic architectural marvel, featuring a pedestrian walkway supported by colossal stone hands. This stunning structure offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and lush landscapes.

French Village: Ba Na Hills' French Village is a meticulously designed area that replicates the charm of a European village. With cobblestone streets, medieval-style buildings, and European architecture, it provides a unique cultural and architectural experience.

  The French Village replicates the aesthetic and architectural style of a traditional French village

French Village - A charming and meticulously designed area

Linh Ung Pagoda: Situated on Ba Na Hills, Linh Ung Pagoda is a significant Buddhist temple with a large statue of the Buddha. The pagoda offers a serene atmosphere for spiritual contemplation, and visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the mountains and valleys.

Linh Ung Pagoda is a prominent Buddhist temple situated within the Ba Na Hills resort complex

Linh Ung Pagoda features traditional Vietnamese Buddhist architecture

Fantasy Park: Fantasy Park is an amusement park within Ba Na Hills, featuring a variety of rides, games, and entertainment options. It's a family-friendly destination with attractions catering to visitors of all ages.

Fantasy Park is an amusement park located within the Ba Na Hills

Carousel game in Fantasy Park

Debay Wine Cellar: The Debay Wine Cellar is located on Ba Na Hills and offers a unique experience for wine enthusiasts. Visitors can explore the cellar, sample a selection of wines, and enjoy the cool climate of the mountainous region.

The Debay Wine Cellar typically features a diverse collection of wines, allowing visitors to sample and appreciate different varieties and vintages

The Debay Wine Cellar - A unique attraction in Ba Na Hills

Wax Museum: Ba Na Hills features a Wax Museum showcasing life-like wax figures of various historical and cultural personalities. It's an interesting and interactive attraction that adds a touch of entertainment and education.

Sun World Ba Na Hills wax statue display area is the first wax statue display area in Vietnam, with impressive wax replicas of many famous figures in the world

The only British Royal wax statue in Vietnam

Le Jardin D'Amour: Known as the Garden of Love, this beautifully landscaped area features ten themed gardens, each representing a different aspect of love. It's a picturesque spot for leisurely strolls and enjoying the natural surroundings.

 Le Jardin D'Amour is a beautiful and romantic attraction within the Ba Na Hills

A corner of Le Jardin D'Amour garden

Traveling cost in Ba Na Hills

Operating hours of Sun World Ba Na Hills Tourist Area

  • Ba Na Hills tourist area is open from 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m.
  • The Family Entertainment Center (FEC) operates every day, 7:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
  • Lunch buffet is open every day from 11:00 a.m to 2:30 p.m.

Sun World Ba Na Hills tickets for out-of-province guests

  • Price for adults: 900,000 VND;
  • Price for children 1-1.4 meters tall: 750,000 VND.

Ba Na Hills Ticket Price for Da Nang guests

  • Price for adults: 600,000 VND;
  • Price for children 1-1.4 meters tall: 500,000 VND.

Free admission for children under 1m tall. Price includes round trip on the cable car and entrance to most attractions in the park.

Best time to visit

Travelers have the flexibility to explore Ba Na Hills while in Da Nang throughout the year. Nevertheless, the optimal period for a visit, especially for photo opportunities, is from March to September. During this timeframe, Da Nang experiences minimal rainfall, enjoys delightful sunny conditions, and showcases clear blue skies - ideal conditions for travel and photography. Alternatively, December or January is also a reasonably convenient time to explore. It is advisable to avoid planning a trip from September to November due to increased rainfall in Da Nang during this period, which could potentially dampen the experience of sightseeing and exploration.

How to get there

To get to Ba Na Hills, you'll likely start your journey from Da Nang

Travel to Da Nang: If you are coming from another city or country, the fastest way is to fly to Da Nang International Airport.

From Da Nang to Ba Na Hills

  • By Car/Taxi: The most convenient way to reach Ba Na Hills from Da Nang is by car or taxi. The journey takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on traffic conditions.
  • Public Bus: While less common, there might be public bus options from Da Nang to Ba Na Hills. Check with local transportation authorities or at the Da Nang bus station for information on bus routes.
  • Scooter/Motorbike Rental: If you're comfortable riding a scooter or motorbike, you may consider renting one to travel from Da Nang to Ba Na Hills. However, be aware of traffic rules and road conditions.
  • Ba Na Hills Cable Car: One of the most popular and scenic ways to reach Ba Na Hills is by taking the cable car. The Ba Na Hills cable car holds the record for being the longest non-stop single-track cable car in the world. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes during the ascent.